Daraa attack triggers 'biggest displacement' since start of Syria war


DARAA – Agence France-Presse

 Daraa attack triggers largest displacement since the beginning of Syria war

Rebels in Syria 's battered south said Thursday they are returning to talks with government ally Russia after the most intensive bombing campaign

Moscow has been brokering talks for the negotiated surrender of beleaguered rebels in southern Syria, a highly strategic zone Jordan and the Israeli-Occupied Golan Heights.

More than 30 towns and cities in the United States of America. 19659004] But those talks collapsed on Wednesday because of Russia's tough demands, rebels said, ushering in a blitz of air strikes, barrel bombs and missiles.

An AFP correspondent on the edge of rebel-held parts of Daraa city, the divided provincial capital, said the bombing was the heaviest since the launch of the Russian-backed offensive on June 19.

Twenty (19659004) Hussein Abazeed, spokesperson for the south's joint rebel command, accused Russia of pursuing a "scorched earth policy" to force rebels back to the table. 19659004] The joint command said it would be willing to hold "a new round of negotiations"

As rebels made their announcement, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported a halt to

Later, Abazeed told AFP talks would resume. He gave no specific time, but said the meeting would likely take place Friday.

The day-long volley began on Wednesday evening after the rebels.

They said Russia had

Moscow also reportedly refused rebel requests for safe pbadage to the opposition in the United States of America. Ghouta and Aleppo.

The Civil War of the United States.

Six civilians, including a woman and four children, were killed in the town.

Rebels then handed over to the United States. Some 275 square kilometers (105 square miles) of territory, said Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman.

But the key Nasib border crossing remains in opposition hands.

Syrian state media reported one person killed in opposition fire on government-held districts of Daraa city.

The bombing on rebel fields in the air
Bahaa Mahameed, a doctor working in Daraa's western countryside, said wounded civilians were thronging his clinic after several days of calm

"The warplanes are bombing like crazy. Mahameed told AFP

Rebel territory in southern Syria was already included in a ceasefire agreement last year between Washington, Amman, and Moscow, but that did not go to halt

The United States Security Council

The United States Security Council.

But Russia blocked the council from a statement on the issue. A diplomat said on (19659004) Daraa is considered the cradle of the President against the Bashar al-Assad that triggered Syria's devastating civil war.

Nearly (19659004) The offensive has also displaced 320,000 people, according to the United Nations.

The International Rescue Committee said displaced families were struggling to cope with 45-degree heat, dry desert

The Norwegian Refugee Council on the United States of America. (19659004) "A ceasefire is urgently needed," NRC head Jan Egeland said. "

Syrian War, refugees, migrants

" We call on all the governments to influence their power to stop this bloodshed. [ad_2]
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