Deepika Padukone therapist Anna Chandy reveals common signs of depression in children | aptitude


A growing number of Indians present with symptoms of depression or other mental health issues. But adults are not the only ones with mental health problems: children treat them too. Although we tend to badume that only adult men and women suffer from depression, anxiety and other disorders, the reality is that more children are affected than we thought. Many studies have shown that rates of depression among Indian children and adolescents are steadily increasing. According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017, about one in four children aged 13 to 15 in India suffers from depression, which affects 86 million people in the region. South East Asia. Unfortunately, symptoms of depression, anxiety, and many other mental and behavioral problems are not detected. and only a small percentage of children and adolescents receive the necessary treatment.

Depression, anxiety, and many other mental problems affecting children are manageable, but this is only possible with accurate diagnosis and effective treatment measures. However, mental health problems can often not be detected in children, reveals the therapist of actress Deepika Padukone, Anna Chandy. "Children should be encouraged to express their feelings, as this will allow parents to resolve their grievances and problems," says Anna Chandy, chair of the Live Love Laugh Foundation Board of Directors. Deepika Padukone launched the Live Love Laugh Foundation in 2015, an initiative to end the stigma against mental health and increase public awareness.

Children are not as effective as adults in expressing what they feel. Of course, they may know what it means to be happy or sad, but mental health issues encompbad a range of emotions that they can not define or explain. Therefore, Anna Chandy states, "It is the responsibility of every parent to ensure that their children enjoy a positive, supportive and rewarding environment, at home and at school, in order to improve their physical and mental health. " [19659003] What Causes Depression and Mental Health Problems in Children?

Mental health problems are not temporary moods, they do not occur at In many cases, the causes of depression, anxiety, and other problems are a combination of different factors, such as physical health, life trauma, l? environment and even family history and genetics play a role. "According to Anna Chandy, common risk factors for mental, emotional and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents include genetics, major life, childhood trauma, etc. "Children whose parents have depression are more likely to develop this disease than children whose parents have better mental health. Apart from this, children from chaotic and dysfunctional families or those who engage in drug addiction are more at risk. Incidents of traumatic life can also trigger the symptoms, "she says.

What are the common signs of depression and mental health problems in children?

Do not forget that mental health disorders in children are manageable, but that it is essential to first detect changes in behavior and habits. So, how do you recognize the signs? Depression in children is more difficult to identify because the symptoms are not easy to observe; This hampers normal socialization and has a negative impact on school and family life, explains Anna Chandy. "Some of the symptoms in children that all parents need to watch include sadness, hopelessness, and sporadic mood changes. They are also subject to irritability, anger, vocal bursts, crying, social withdrawal, fear of rejection, low concentration, voidness and guilt. Physiological symptoms include deficient or excessive appetite and sleep; stomach aches and headaches that do not respond to drug treatments; and fatigue, "she says.

The fact that mental health problems are not detected in children and adolescents does not mean that all signs are totally invisible. According to Anna Chandy, it is important to pay attention to your child's behavior and to note potential changes. "Childhood is the most important stage in an individual's life and describes how we behave as adults. Having a mental illness is an extremely sensitive issue and should be treated with compbadion and care. It is imperative that parents take seriously any warning sign and resolve the problem as soon as possible, "she said.

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First published: January 30, 2019 at 09:50 am IST

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