Democrats will seek to reduce Trump after taking the American home


Washington: Donald Trump faces more and more restrictions on his presidency and intrusive investigations by Democrats who have taken control of the House of Representatives and pledged to hold Republican responsible, after two tumultuous years in the White House.

Trump and his fellow Republicans strengthened their control of the US Senate in Tuesday's midterm elections, following a divisive campaign that resulted in fierce clashes over race and race. 39; immigration.

But they lost their majority in the House, a setback for the president after a campaign. this became a referendum on his combative leadership.
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The division of power in Congress, combined with Trump's broader vision of executive power, could herald an even deeper political polarization and legislative stalemate in Washington.
Democrats will now lead House committees to investigate the president's tax returns, potential trade conflicts and any link between his 2016 election campaign and Russia.

However, Trump and the Democrats may work together. problems related to bipartite support, such as a package to improve infrastructure or to protect against the rising price of prescription drugs.

Trump made an unlikely move to Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democrats party in the House that he often ridiculed, claiming that his party should choose it. be Speaker of the House at the new Congress to be held in January.

"In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be elected Speaker of the House by the Democrats. If they give him a hard time, we may add Republican votes. She earned this great honor, "Trump wrote on Twitter.

Earlier on Wednesday, he was less conciliatory, describing the election results as a" very big win "and criticizing the media.Trump was scheduled to hold a press conference in the White House at 11:30 am.

The Democrats failed to secure the support of a voter who would have allowed them to take control of both houses of Congress. But in the 435 MPs of the House, the party had to win about 30 seats, while it only needed 23 to get its first majority in eight years.

A majority in the Senate would have allowed Democrats to enforce Trump's political agenda and gave them the opportunity to block any future candidate for the Supreme Court.

Democrats in the House could force Trump to reduce his legislative ambitions, possibly giving up only to promise to fund a border wall with Mexico, "Pelosi told his supporters of the party of victory.

Losing the House will test Trump's ability to compromise, which interests him little over the past two years, while Republicans controlled both houses of Congress.

f Democrats polls in the House, stating on Twitter that Republicans in the Senate would counter their own investigations of Democrats.


US stocks rose after the election, as the dollar declined on the reduced chances of further fiscal stimulus in the United States.

Capital markets often favor traffic jams in Washington because they preserve the status quo and reduce uncertainty.

A Democrat-controlled house will hinder Trump's pro-business agenda and could create uncertainty about his government, but the corporate tax cuts and deregulation measures that have played a role important role in the rise of the US stock market since the 2016 election will likely remain unchanged.

Congestion in Congress means for politics. With regard to the impact on the market, a divided Congress has always been very optimistic about equities and we expect to see the same trend, "said Torsten Slok, Chief Economist at Deutsche Bank. [19659005DemocratswillusetheirnewmajoritytoreversewhattheyhaveRepublicansconsiderTrump'sforeignpolicyasaflawlesssolutionandadvocatetougherrelationswithRussiaSaudiArabiaandNorthKorea

Foreign policy is an area that Trump has tackled in a very personal way, sometimes annoying his allies, like Canada, while doing what critics see as an unfairly warm openness to their traditional rivals or enemies. 19659005] Tom Perez, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said Democrats could work with Republicans to produce a bill long-awaited to improve the country's roads, bridges and airports.

"Of course, we want to work in a bipartisan way. I think we can get an infrastructure bill, "he said.

Trump had toughened his speech in recent weeks on issues of interest to his conservative supporters. The campaign, issuing warnings about a caravan of Latin American migrants leading from Mexico to the US border and condemning the American liberal "crowds" that he says opposing him. [19659005] DEMOCRATIC PROBES

All seats in the House were up for grabs on Tuesday, and opinion polls had highlighted the Democratic gains, with the party in the presidency often losing seats in the House of Commons. Mid-term elections.

Republicans had an advantage in the Senate race, as the elections only took place for 35 seats in the 100-member chamber and many of them were in of Et Often Republicans.

Republicans built their slim majority in the Senate from several seats and overthrew four incumbent Democrats: Bill Nelson in Florida, Joe Donnelly in Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota and Claire McCaskill in Missouri .

These successes are sure to strengthen the Republicans. "Efforts to obtain conservative federal judges through a confirmation process. In the 36 competitions at the governorship, Democrats won in several states supporting Trump in 2016, but lost high-profile races in Florida and Ohio.

Democrats could infuriate Trump by launching a new congressional inquiry into Russia's allegations of interference with it in 2016. election. A federal inquiry conducted by US special advocate Robert Mueller on Russia's role in this election is still ongoing.

Moscow denies the interference and Trump, calling Mueller's investigation of witch-hunt, denies collusion.

A majority in the House would suffice to attack Trump. whether evidence of collusion by his campaign or obstruction from the president of the federal investigation emerged. But Congress could not dismiss him without a two-thirds majority vote of the Republican-controlled Senate, an unlikely scenario.

Most of the Democratic running contenders abstained from harshly criticizing Trump during the latter part of the campaign. , focusing instead on basic issues such as maintaining insurance coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions and protecting retirement and health care programs from Social Security for the elderly.


Democratic gains were fueled by women, young voters and Hispanic voters, revealed a poll of Reuters / Ipsos on polling day. Fifty-five percent of women reported supporting a Democrat in the House this year, compared with 49% in the 2014 mid-term congressional elections.

A record number of women ran in elections, mostly Democrats. According to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, there were 237 women on the ballots in the House and at least 95 had won their races Wednesday morning, breaking the previous record of 84 women in bedroom.

The party won seats on the map but some of the biggest Democratic stars in the campaign were lost.

Liberal Beto O. Rourke's underdog campaign in the Senate ended in a failure against Republican Ted Cruz in Texas. Andrew Gillum lost to Republican Ron DeSantis in his quest to become the first black governor of Florida.

In Georgia, Democrat Stacey Abrams sought to become the first black woman to be elected governor of the United States. His opponent, Brian Kemp, was ahead in a very tight race on Wednesday and Abrams said that she would not give in before all votes were counted.

| Edited By: Padmaja Venkataraman

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