Destructive insects grow wings after signals from their host plant •


A new study conducted by Washington State University (WSU) identified the underlying mechanism that leads to the development of short or long wing in brown leafhopper, one the most destructive rice pests in the world. Experts have found that the quality of the host plant is responsible for wing growth and migratory behavior in these insects.

According to Laura Lavine, WSU professor, wing size determines whether leafhoppers feed locally. or migrate long distances to reach new rice plants.

"It all depends on the amount of glucose or sugar in the plant," said Lavine. "Rice plants with higher glucose levels are older and dying.This increase in glucose causes formation in long-winged adults of a juvenile brown.The plant really tells the insect how to develop. "

There is a change in the ratio of sugars to amino acids during the life of a rice plant. Young rice plants are ideal for feeding insects because they have relatively low glucose levels and provide a lot of nutrition. Brown leafhoppers do not need to look for other food sources, but they grow short wings and females develop large ovaries.

On the other hand, leafhoppers that feed on aging plants are exposed to increasing levels of glucose. They must prepare to migrate, developing long wings and smaller ovaries.

"It's a one-time decision," Lavine said. "If the decision to stay and breed or to migrate and fly is incorrect, the brown leafhopper is in trouble.Culture short wings when long wings are needed to get away and that 's right. they die, grow long wings when they could get by with short wings and they leave a source of healthy food and needlessly look for another home. "

Levine explained that insects can not change their body structure. to reach adulthood. The researchers hope that the results of this study will lead to the development of a technique to manipulate leafhoppers to grow long wings.

"The results of this study should allow scientists to find a new way to deceive the brown leafhopper." Lavine

Researchers were surprised to find that glucose was the only factor responsible for wing growth in brown leafhoppers

"It has been difficult to isolate the environmental cues that influence the morphology and behavior of insects," said Lavine. "But this is not for brown leafhopper. The glucose level of the plant is the signal to know if they stay or go away. "

The study is published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

] By Chrissy Sexton [19659016] Staff Writer

Photo Credit: Xinda Lin, Jiliang University

Topics: Auchenorrhyncha, Brown Planthopper

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