Based in Ryme, city where Pokémons and humans coexist, Detective Pikachu follows the improbable teams of Tim (Justice) and Pikachu, who embark on a journey in search of Tim's father. Pikachu, wearing a cap, has lost his memory, but he is keen to help Tim find his father, thanks to his investigative abilities and not to thunder attacks. Together, they could also save the world from some wicked men and Pokemons. The addition of this man-monster concert is Ryan's easy-going humor.
Some of our favorite characters from the Pokemon universe are also felt in this two-and-a-half minute trailer. The most notable are Charizard, Lickitung, Snorlax, Eevee and a threatening Mewtwo.
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Ryan has also put together a video for fans in which he shares how difficult it was, and at the same time a privilege to badume and stage one of the most beloved characters of comics. Watch Ryan's fun video here:
The Pokemon universe has produced many movies over the years, all animated. This is a new approach to relaunch an image phenomenon. Detective Pikachu, directed by Rob Letterman, will be released on May 10.
Watch Detective Pikachu trailer here:
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