Did Leonardo Da Vinci have ADHD? Two scientists think


On May 2nd of this year, the 500th anniversary of the death of the master painter was celebrated.

<img srcset = "https://images.news18.com/ibnlive/uploads/2018/11/mona-lisa.jpg" alt = "Did Leonardo Da Vinci Have ADHD? Two Scientists Think" title = "Leonardo Da Vinci had ADHD?"
The portrait of Mona Lisa is depicted on a painting attributed to Leonardo da Vinci during a presentation in Geneva. (Image: Reuters)
Leonardo da Vinci Could he have left many of his works unfinished? Because of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD, two scientists who study historical accounts of the life of the Italian polymath believe that the state of behavior may have proved detrimental to the accomplishment of tasks "which at first had attracted his enthusiasm."

Leonardo da Vinci is widely known for his paintings, especially for his chiefs Mon Lisa and The Last Supper, as well as brilliant ideas including sketches of early versions of a parachute, a helicopter and even a tank.

"The story of Da Vinci is paradoxical A mind that has embraced the wonders of anatomy, natural philosophy and art, but also failed to carry out many projects," said the neurophysiologist Marco Catani and medical historian Paolo Mazzarello. as having written in a new paper.
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"The excessive time spent planning ideas and lack of perseverance seems to have been particularly detrimental to the finalization of tasks that initially drew his enthusiasm."
Catani – who specializes in autism and ADHD – and his colleague further claim that "customary garbage from commissioned works that have been discontinued, Da Vinci's lack of discipline, his hours of Strange work and lack of sleep could all be symptomatic of ADHD, "according to Live. Science.

"He was left-handed and aged 65. He suffered a serious stroke, which left his language abilities intact.These clinical observations clearly indicate an inverted right hemisphere dominance for language in the body. Leonardo's brain The couple explains in the article.

"In addition, his notebooks present mirror-image and spelling errors considered to be suggestive of dyslexia. Atypical hemispheric dominance, awkwardness and dyslexia are more prevalent in children with neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD. "

The 500th anniversary of the death of the master painter was observed on May 2 of this year.
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