Diplomatic coup in India as United Arab Emirates government wants Farooq Devdiwala terrorist to visit Pakistan


In a diplomatic coup in India, the United Arab Emirates government expelled Farooq Devdiwala, a D-Company member and a member of the Indian Mujahideen in Pakistan, despite the anti-terrorist squad of Maharashtra ( ATS) demanding that he be sent Devdiwala was arrested in Dubai on May 12. At that time, Gujarat police gave their headquarters to the central security agencies. Devdiwala has been on the run for 17 years. It is a crucial link as it is known to be in contact with ISI members as well as terrorist cells in Pakistan. Earlier involved in D-gang operations in Gujarat, he has a lot of information related to Dawood and Chhota Shakeel too.

According to a report by Mumbai Mirror, Devdiwala was also involved in training two Indians. "The two Devdiwala Indians organized a terror training in Pakistan were identified as Faizal Mirza, a relative of his, and Allaharakha Munsuri.Minza and Munsuri are currently under the custody of Maharashtra ATS," the report added.

An attempt to prevent his deportation, Pakistan claimed that Devdiwala was their citizen and not an Indian. The Dubai police, it seems, took his word and sent it to Islamabad, much to India's chagrin. The Gujarat ATS had even sent a team to Dubai with a record of the details of his relatives in India, documents relating to his proof of residency in Gujarat and Mumbai, as well as certificates of studies. Incidentally, he was staying in Dubai with a Pakistani pbadport

Devdiwala reportedly smuggled 2kg of RDX for use in serial explosions in the city and is also the main accused in the murder of Pandya.

Pandya, former Minister of the Interior of Gujarat, was shot dead in March 2003, about two kilometers from his home in Ahmedabad.

Pandya (43) was shot with five bullets fired at his chest, neck and lower abdomen

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