Do scientists really think that Umuamua is an extraterrestrial spaceship? | Science


Name: 1I / 2017 U1 & # 39; Oumuamua.

Meaning: "A messenger coming out of the distant past" (in Hawaiian).

Appearance: Dark, reddish, about 400 meters long and 40 meters wide, so about the size and shape of a skyscraper.

Age: Maybe a few hundred million years?

You do not know, is not it? No. But 'Oumuamua is generally mysterious. Last October, he was spotted in the sun, too fast to come from our solar system. It was declared the first interstellar object ever discovered, before disappearing from sight in January.

Cool. It was long and thin, unlike any asteroid or comet seen before. And its surface was carbon-based, no ice or rock. And – take this – after pbading the sun, it suddenly accelerated. So now, some scientists speculate …

Strangers! Maybe. In a new article in Astrophysical Journal Letters, professors Shvuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb of Harvard discuss a range of theories to explain the "strange behavior of Oumuamua".

I do not want a range of theories. I want extraterrestrials. Make yourself comfortable. Initially, the acceleration was slowed down by degbading.

( Snigger.) When comets pbad near stars, they release a gas that can accelerate them. 'Oumuamua' was not detected, but it could have been released quite gently.

Silent but violent. Indeed. However, Bialy and Loeb claim that it could also have been pushed by the sunlight that struck him, like a deliberately designed solar sail.

That's right. Designed by extraterrestrials. Of course, it was scanned last year to search for radio signals and did not send any.

They probably use the subspace transmission, as on Star Trek. 'Oumuamua was also boiling.

Otherwise, how could you generate artificial gravity? Neither do we see why extraterrestrials would send an investigation that would take us millions of years.

They are extraterrestrials. They live to probe. "A possibility," suggest the authors, "is" Oumuamua is a light sail, floating in interstellar space as a debris of advanced technological equipment. " Well … we can not prove that this is not the case, although it is much more likely to be an asteroid or a comet covered with an irradiated crust." The extraterrestrial theory really not much evidence.

Boo, proof! I want fun lies . Of course, if it's an asteroid, it could be a burst of another planet destroyed by an exploding star

Okay, I guess it's pretty fun too Unless there were extraterrestrials on the planet at the time. 19659003] Say: " Typical, you finally find an extraterrestrial probe and the damn thing is broken."

Do not say: "We are falling apart."

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