Donald Trump declares that every effort is underway to stop the caravan of Honduran migrants to the United States


Thousands of Honduran migrants head for the United States, sparking a series of tirades from Trump.


President Donald Trump said Sunday that "every effort" is underway to stop the progress of thousands of Honduran migrants. to the United States.

"Every effort is made to prevent the attack of illegal aliens from crossing our Souther (n) border," Trump said.

"People must first ask for asylum in Mexico, and if they fail, the courts will prevent them from doing impossible things!

" Caravans are a shame for the Democratic Party . Change the immigration laws NOW! "

Trump warned that he would cut aid to the region, deploy the army and close the US-Mexico border if the authorities did not stop them.

Mexico s & # 39; He was committed to arresting all migrants crossing without a visa, although he also said that he would process their asylum applications and asked for help from the agency. United Nations Refugee Organization to do so

Trump has made the fight against illegal immigration a cornerstone of his presidency.

Barely a week pbades without warning him of the danger that represent the ultra-violent gangs of Central America such as MS-13, while the slogans "Build the wall" are a basic element of his electoral gatherings before the mid-term.

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