Donald Trump likely to decline PM Narendra Modi's invitation to wait Republic Day 2019


Donald Trump likely to decline PM Narendra Modi's invitation to attend Republic Day 2019

US President Donald Trump is unlikely to accept India's invitation to be the chief guest at the Republic Day celebrations, sources said Sunday. The United States is made to welcome you to the United States of America, and the State of the Union (SOTU) address, around the time India will celebrate its Republic Day. [19659003] This is a time when Indo-US links to the United States have gone ahead and sealed to supply a batch of S-400 air defense missile systems, notwithstanding US threat of punitive action under CAATSA (Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act). The sources said India has already been shortlisted names of two-three heads of states for the Republic Day parade.

Earlier this year, the US sanctions against Russia under CAATSA for its alleged meddling in the American Presidential Election in 2016. Under CAATSA, the US can punish entities and men in the defense of the defense of the intelligence or the establishment of Russia.

India and the US were in touch with each other . The White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said that Trump 's presence at the Republic Day of the Secretary – General was also open. (19659003) "I know that the invitation has been extended, but I do not believe that a final decision has been made," Sanders had told reporters
Prime Minister Narendra Modi had invited President Trump for a bilateral visit to India during their talks in Washington in June 2017. Every year, India invites world leaders to attend its Republic Day celebrations.

In 2015, the then US President Barack Obama his second visit to India as American president. This year, leaders from 10 ASEAN countries had attended the Republic Day celebrations.

In 2016, the then French president Francois Hollande was the chief guest of the parade while Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was the chief guest at the celebrations in 2014. Sarkozy, Vladimir Putin, Nelson Mandela, John Major, Mohammed Khatami, and Jacques Chirac

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