Donald Trump rules out lower commercial tariffs against China


President Donald Trump ruled out lowering import tariffs against China and threatened that tariffs could reach $ 500 billion worth of Chinese goods if the two countries fail to reach a "fair" deal .

The White House has already imposed tariffs of 25 percent on Chinese goods worth $ 50 billion containing technologies of industrial importance in a trade war escalating between the two most major economies of the world.

In response, China imposed $ 34 billion in duties on 545 US products. In mid-June, Trump warned that if Beijing applied tariffs, it would impose duties on an additional $ 200 billion worth of goods.

"The tariffs, in fact, could go up to $ 500 billion, frankly, if we do not agree and they want to make a deal," he told Fox News yesterday.

"I am going to tell you, China wants to make a deal, and I too, but it must be a fair market for this country," he said.

He ruled out lowering tariffs against China.

"No, no, no, no, no," Trump said when asked if his administration would back down on tariffs against China.

"Me too, but this must be fair to our country, one of the most difficult things is that our presidents and our business leaders lack action, not so much the leaders of # 39; s business ". I said.

"Some business leaders have an interest in allowing these things to continue, that's the problem they are taking advantage of, they are more for their business than they are for the United States. United, "he said.

"I had an excellent company, the head of a large company came to see me, he is very seriously affected by the rates:" Mr. President, this is not for me right now. Re do the right thing on the rates, "said Trump.

Answering questions, Trump said that he likes Chinese President Xi Jinping.

"I get along well with China, I love the president, he is president for life, we can call him the king, is not he?" He asked.

"But I love the president, I did not like to identify China, I do not think it's right, because they're not the only ones, now they're more They are probably a bigger violator, but they are from other countries too, I wanted to go around the world, that's what I do, what I do is very similar, but I want it to concern everyone, "he said.

"So you mean that China can not do it, but other countries can?" Now, I know China and I know how smart they are, they will send their people in from other counties, they will just go through an additional process, "he explained.

Trump, in response to another question, called the European Union "as bad as China" in trade matters, since it defended its American policy of ;on board.

When asked if it would be better to team up with Washington's European allies to try to change China's business practices, Trump said, "No … they are treating us wrong, they treat us very unfairly. "

"The EU is perhaps as bad as China, just smaller, it's terrible what they do to us … European Union, take a breather" look at the situation of the car, they send us a Mercedes., "he said.

"Look what they do to our farmers, they do not want our agricultural products, now, in all fairness, they have their farmers, so they want to protect their farmers, but we do not protect ours . they protect theirs, "he added.

Trump 's rights on steel and aluminum, 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum, resulted in retaliation of 28 members EU on motorcycle products with bourbon and jeans.

Canada yesterday announced retaliatory action against metal rights, pushing US exports up by $ 13 billion in new measures.

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