Donald Trump says mid-way a "referendum" on him


SOME of America's Largest Television Networks Join Forces to Announce CNN's "Racist" Trump Campaign, But Not Before It Was Played by Millions of People at a Football Game in prime time.

Controversial advertising portrays an immigrant convicted of the murder of two police officers

NBC and Fox News have now joined CNN and Facebook in advertising.

Today, a day before the mid-term US elections, Donald Trump was asked when he thought the advertisement was offensive.

"A lot of things are offensive. Your questions are often shocking, "Mr. Trump replied.

MORE: Why the Midway Is Important

MORE: Trump's" Women's Problem "Could Cost Him ] 19659003] PLUS: Mid-Session Referendum on Trump's Leadership

NBC aired during the Sunday night football match between the New England Patriots and the Green Bay Packers, which collected the highest notes of the night of the history of the franchise.

football season, it is usually the most-watched TV show, with about 20 million viewers:

Note: The NBC Sunday Night Football Patriots / Packers game averaged 21 million viewers … which means about as many may have seen Trump's immigration publicity as NBC has now been fired.

– Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) [1945] 9009] November 5, 2018

NBC reporter Dylan Byers tweeted the Packers-Patriots game on average 21 million viewers.

] MSNBC also aired the Morning Joe Monday

Published last week, the ad contains images of Luis Bracamontes, a Mexican immigrant deported twice and sentenced to death for killing two policemen. He was seen smiling while appearing in court and saying, "I will soon burst and I am going to kill more people."

The advertisement says, without proof, that "the Democrats have left it. to enter our country. "

People were shaking in front of a fence, apparently trying to break it down, and ended with the slogan" Trump and the Republicans Secure America Again. "

So, [19459014@NBCNews @CNN @facebook have chosen to stand with those who are illegally in this country, instead of staying with legal immigrants and those who follow our laws. #FakeNewsMedia and #PaloAltoMafia trying to control what you see and how you think STOP THE CARAVAN

– Brad Parscale (@parscale) November 5, 2018 [19659011] NBC announced that it prevented the broadcast of the year Monday, after a fierce online response. "After further review, we recognized the insensitive nature of the advertisement and decided to stop broadcasting it in our properties as soon as possible," said NBC Universal in a statement.

Marianne Gambelli, president of Fox News advertising sales, said the ad was removed "after a thorough review".

Fox did not immediately say how many times she had aired on Fox News Channel or Fox Business Network.

Facebook originally ran the ad, but it was an error. Spokesman Andy Stone said it violates the company's policy against sensational content.

However, Facebook still allows members to post the ad in their news feeds.

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeted on NBC News, CNN and Facebook chose "to stand by those who were illegally in this country."

He said the media was trying to control what you see and think.

million. Parscale made no mention of Fox's decision.

The son-in-law, Donald Trump Jr, tweeted this weekend, pointing out CNN's refusal to broadcast the ad, saying, "I guess they're just spreading false information and not do not talk about real threats that do not fit their agenda. "

CNN said through Twitter, it was clearly stated in its cover that the advertisement was racist and refused to broadcast it when the campaign was aimed at buying airtime.


The eve of the elections, polls indicate that Donald Trump's Republican hold on the Congress was going experiencing a major upheaval.

A non-partisan poll revealed a radical change toward Democrats, with badysts suggesting a year. the so-called "blue wave" could cause a major disruption to Mr. Trump.

While the President is anxious to finish his final pleas with the Americans, hours before going to the vote, Cook's political report lost nine Republican seats. Left.

Cook went from "toss-up" to "lean-democrat" in Washington and moved a race in Pennsylvania and Georgia's 6th district from "lean-republican" to "toss-up".

Cook's report shows a close race and indicates that the GOP must defend a large number of seats.

According to Cook, three races considered "solid republican" are now "likely republican" – the 6th and 10th districts of Texas and West Virginia. 2.

The report shows that a single race has tipped in favor of Republicans – the 1st district of Arizona, from "probably democrat" to "democrat leaning".

The Cook report supports a CNN survey released today, which also indicates a Democratic advantage.

CNN shows that Democrats are ahead in the House of Representatives by 55 to 42 percent. Seven in ten say they want to send a message to Donald Trump.

The president, impressed by CNN's predictions, criticized the network in a tweet: "

" It's so funny to see polls on the false suppression of CNN and their false information. rhetoric. Watch for the actual results on Tuesday. We are lucky that the ratings given to CNN are so low. Watch for the actual results on Tuesday. We are lucky. CNN ratings are so low. Do not fall for the game of suppression. Go out and vote. Remember that we now have perhaps the largest economy (jobs) in the history of our country!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2018

The President is in Fight Mode Today

His Frankish tweets have targeted the illegal vote – threatening to d & # 39; impose mbadive penalties on anyone who tries to deceive the system.

Republicans created the best economy of all time. HISTORY of our country – and the most fashionable job market on planet Earth. The Democrats' agenda is a socialist nightmare. The Republican agenda, it's the American dream!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) dated November 5, 2018

With stops in Cleveland, Ohio; Fort Wayne, Indiana; then in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, it will be well after midnight (local time) before the real estate billionaire and populist showman returns to the White House.

After that, the president will only have a few hours before the polls open.

"Everything we have created and achieved is at stake on polling day," Trump told an enthusiastic crowd in Cleveland as he embarked on his last bitter campaign campaign today. hui.

"If radical democrats take power, they will destroy our economy and our future."


Donald Trump does not appear on the ballot at the mid-session, in which the entire House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate are at stake.

The 435 seats in the US House are up for re-election. And 35 seats in the Senate are at stake, as well as nearly 40 governorates and the balance of power in virtually every state legislature.

But in a series of bitter rallies across the country, Mr. Trump , the most polarized American president in decades

Combining tradition, humor and sometimes cruel humor, he says voters must choose between managing a booming economy and what he claims to be the extreme left of Democrats.

MORE: Why Midterms Will Make or Break Trump

MORE: The Unusual Midterm Intervention of Barack Obama

PLUS: Trump storms them states on last frantic days

The attempt to do everything about Trump is a gamble, as is his increasing shift from economic success to bitter speech – critics say the country is under attack by illegal immigration . [19659003] On the eve of voting Mr. Trump sent thousands of troops to the Mexican border, suggested shooting at illegal immigrants who throw stones and told Americans that Democrats would turn the country into a real black hole for criminals and criminals.

wanting to impose socialism on our country. And they want to erase the borders of America, "Trump said Sunday during a tumultuous rally in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

It worked for Trump during his victory in the 2016 elections in shock. But the angry tone has diverted US sides, giving Democrats the certainty that they could at least capture the lower house of Congress, even though Republicans plan to keep the Senate.


The Democrats deployed their most powerful weapon in the final days of the campaign: former President Barack Obama, who launched a final call for the Democratic Senate in danger in Indiana. 19659003] Turning to the tangled legal scandals surrounding the Trump government – especially the possible collusion between his presidential campaign and Russian agents – Mr Obama has mocked: "They have accumulated enough acts of corruption. charge to fill a football team. "

An even bigger election than his own historic victory in 2008 as the first non-white president, Obama said politics was at stake.

"The character of our country is on the ballot . An election will not eliminate racism, badism or homophobia, "Obama said. "But it will be a start."

The party of a first-term president tends to lose seats in Congress as early as its first semester.

But a healthy economy favors the outgoing president, so that Mr. Trump can still challenge the historical


Although polls generally agree on the victory of Democrats in the House and Republicans who keep the Senate, the margins are good. and a few key races will determine if a real surprise is to be expected.

One of these is the challenge launched by Democratic Beto O. Rourke to Senator Ted Cruz in Texas's traditionally Republican.

On Monday, O 'Rourke described the contest as an epic event, claiming that the Texans "will decide the election of our lives. They will define the future, not just of Texas, but of this country, not only of this generation, but of all subsequent generations. "

Among the other races to follow are Republican Pete Stauber's attempt to overthrow a Democratic fortress in Minnesota, while Democrats in Florida and Georgia want to become the first African-American governors of American states. 19659003] In the end, the polls mean nothing if people do not vote, so weather forecasts are stormy for much of the east of the country.

"Democrat President Chris Van Hollen is Senator," said the Democratic Senator at Fox News.


The Biggest Joker is the Reaction voters in the face of increasingly extreme rhetoric and political inspired violence inspired by the campaign in the last two weeks of the campaign.

Trump reiterated his warnings that the Democrats wanted to encourage the immigration of vio lent criminals and rapists. In his speeches, he transformed into a fierce group a small group of a few thousand impoverished Central Americans who were trying to reach the United States – even though he is hundreds of miles away.

This could work with the Trump Ultraloyal Base. However, the president's speech sparked doubts after a Florida man and ardent supporter of Trump were accused of sending homemade bombs to more than a dozen high-ranking Democrats. rank and other high level opponents.

An armed man entered a Pittsburgh synagogue and was shot to death. 11 faithful dead. He reportedly attacked Jews accused of transporting "invaders" from Central America to the United States – in a language that echoed Trump's attacks on impoverished migrants, which he described as of "invasion".

I'm on the ballot: TRUMP

M. Trump implored his supporters to vote, saying the media would treat the results as a referendum on his presidency.

"Even though I'm not on the ballot, in a way I'm on the ballot," Trump said during a teleconference organized by his re-election campaign early in the year.

"The press is seriously considering a referendum on me and us as a movement.

Mr. Trump will hold his last three voting rallies in Ohio, Indiana and Missouri – one day after stops in Tennessee and Georgia.

"Do not fall into the trap Game of deletion. Go out and vote. Remember that we now have perhaps the largest economy (jobs) in the history of our country! Tweeted Mr. Trump.

According to polls, Republicans are on track to retain the Senate. With elections often too close to voters' lack of comfort and voter turnout, both parties are prepared for potential surprises.

THE SURVIVAL OF THE REPUBLIC AT RISK . 19659003] Mid-term discussions to decide $ 5 billion ($ 7 billion) debate between Trump's takeover policy and the Democratic Party's over-stretched campaign to end the Republican monopoly at Washington and the state houses of the country.

all indications are that an often-discussed "blue wave" could help Democrats take control of at least one House of Congress. But two years after an election proved that polls and predators were wrong, nothing is certain on the eve of the first national Trump presidential elections nationwide.

"I do not think a democrat in this country has any," said Stephanie Schriock, president of EMILY's List, who spent more than ever before – nearly $ 60 million ( 83 million USD) in total – to support this campaign led by Democratic women.

questions and everything is at stake, "said Ms. Schriock

If the Democrats gained control of the House, as the two parties' strategists presumably suggest, they could defeat Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years

Perhaps more importantly, they would also obtain the power of summons to investigate the numerous personal and professional errors of the President.

The elections will also Proof the strength of a political realignment of the Trump era defined by evolving divisions among voters by race, bad and especially education.

Trump's Republican coalition ages from more and more, becoming whiter, more masculine and less likely to have a university degree Democrats rely more on women, people of color, youth and University graduates.

Political realignment, if any, could reshape US policy for a generation.

Just five years ago, the Republican National Committee reported that Republican Party survival depended on attracting more minorities and women.

Instead, these voters increasingly fled the party, destabilized by the chaotic leadership style and xenophobic rhetoric of Trump. Blue-collar workers, however, have adopted the unconventional chair.

One of the authors of RNC's report, Ari Fleischer, acknowledged that Republican leaders had never considered expanding their ranks with white men belonging to the working clbad.

being Republican, it's being rewritten as we speak, "said Mr. Fleischer. "Donald Trump has the pen and his writing is not always very good."

A national survey published by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal detailed the depth of demographic change.

Democrats led African-American voters (84% to 8%), Latinos (57% to 29%), voters aged 18 to 34 (57% to 34%), women ( 55 years). (from 37% to 37%) and independent women (from 35% to 23%).

Among white women with university education, Democrats have a 28-point advantage: 61% to 33%.

On the other hand, Republicans were in the lead with voters aged 50 to 64 (52% to 43%), men (50% to 43%) and whites (50% to 44%) . And among white men with no university degree, Republicans were in the lead between 65% and 30%.

Democrats want to elect a record number of women in Congress. They are also about to mark history with the number of LGBT candidates and Muslims on the agenda.

Former President Barack Obama seized the differences between the parties in an ultimate battle to motivate voters across the country. [19659003] BILLIONARIES FOR MONEY TO GUARANTEE VOTES

Democrats must win two dozen seats to claim a majority in the House. Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who personally invested $ 110 million to help the Democrats this year, largely in the House, seized the voter education level to choose target races, according to the main badistant Howard Wolfson.

] "In this cycle, there seemed to be a disproportionate negative response from highly educated voters to Trump," he said.

As a result, Mr. Bloomberg's team has unlocked money in forgotten suburbs, such as Georgia and Washington. State and Oklahoma because the data revealed that voters were more educated.

Democrat senators face a much tougher challenge in the Senate, where they devote themselves almost exclusively to defense in rural states where Mr. Trump remains popular.

The incumbents of the Democratic Senate are, for example, in North Dakota, West Virginia and Montana, he must be re-elected – says Mr. Trump carried by 30 percentage points on average two years ago.

While Mr. Trum P is ready to claim victory if his party retains control of the Senate, at least one influential ally fears that the loss of only one House of Congress will be disastrous.

"If they take over the House, he will essentially become a lame president. and he will not be re-elected, "said Amy Kremer, a tea party activist who heads the Women for Trump group.

" They will do everything in their power to remove him, "she said. 19659003] Indeed, powerful democratic forces are already pushing for the removal of Trump, even if the Democratic leaders are not ready to go that far.

Liberal activist Tom Steyer spent about $ 120 million US dollars (A $ 166 million) this season, much of which has been used to increase the turnout of young voters, although it has produced a national advertising campaign calling for the removal of Mr. Trump.

Mr. Steyer emphasized that most of the Democrats were in agreement

"We are not a marginal part of the Democratic Party. We are the Democratic Party, "he said.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, both sides should have spent more than $ 5 billion ($ 7 billion). The flood of campaign funds, a mid-term record, has been overwhelmingly fueled by left-wing energy. Mr. Steyer said worried voters around the world had invested heart and soul in the fight against Mr. Trump's party

"That's what's at stake: my heart and soul, as well as those of all others, "he said. 19659124] [ad_2]
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