Donald Trump: Thousands in the United States march against immigration policy


WASHINGTON – Thousands of protesters, in turmoil and furious against US immigration policy, marched across the country Saturday to protest the separation of families under the hard line of President Donald Trump.

Nicknamed "Families Belong Together", the demonstration in Washington began at Lafayette Square where crowds gathered directly in front of the White House before a planned march to the Capitol.

In New York, families, youth, children, and the elderly – both recently arrived and long-time citizens – were all in the hot sun as part of a demonstration that, according to one policeman, a thousand. "

"Say it loud, make it clear, refugees are welcome here," they chanted, also welcoming Muslims.

A bunch of drummers badped the fervor of a crowd carrying placards, including "Our New York is Immigrating to New York" and "No Cage, No Prohibition, No Wall".

"Abolish ICE", indicated another sign, reflecting increasing calls by activists for the abolition of the country's front-line immigration executing agency .
[Début de la guerre] In early May, in an attempt to slow down the flow of tens of thousands of migrants each month to the southern border of the United States, Trump ordered the unlawful arrest of adults crossing the border illegally, including asylum seekers.

Many are trying to cross the border between the United States and Mexico. They are poor people fleeing the violence of gangs and other unrest in Central America.

As a result of Trump's crackdown, clueless children were separated from their families and, according to widely circulated images, held in chain link pens, a practice that sparked national and global outrage .

Trump will later sign an order terminating the separation of families, but immigration lawyers say the reunification process for children and their parents will be long and chaotic.

About 2,000 children remain separated from their parents, according to official figures released last weekend.

Saturday's protests also come after the United States Supreme Court on Tuesday gave Trump a major victory in upholding its ban, which mainly applied to travelers from five predominantly Muslim nations.

Julia Lam, 58, joined the New York demonstration with two friends and their young children in a stroller.

Lam is a retired mother and fashion designer who emigrated from Hong Kong in the 1980s.

"I think it's really cruel to separate children," she said.

"I am angry, I am already very sad about what is happening in our country, I do not see how a human being would do such a thing."

Courtney Malloy, 34, a lawyer, said it was important to show her support for immigrants and that the policies of the administration are "not America".

"This is not what we stand for and it's not okay, and we will not stay there watching our country tear apart and watch babies snatch their mothers," she said. declared to AFP. "The only baby in a cage is Donald Trump."

More than 500 women, including a congressman, were arrested Thursday in the US Capitol Complex to protest Trump's immigration policy.

Saturday's protests were supposed to be the most important.

Trump has made the fight against immigration – both illegal and lawful – a major part of his "America First" political agenda.

The Immigration and Customs Agency (ICE) makes arrests and enforces the crackdown on immigration by the administration, but an emerging coalition of politicians, activists and pro-immigrant protesters began to claim the dismantling of ICE.

Critics say the agency has treated some potential immigrants cruelly and unfairly.

Occupy ICE camps were set up in several US states.

One of the first voices to call for the abolition of ICE was New York governor candidate Cynthia Nixon.

Since then she has been joined by New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who told WYNC radio station: "You need an agency to handle immigration, but ICE it's not that "; and by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, also from New York, who in a tweet called ICE "a cruel force of expulsion".

On Saturday morning, Trump tweeted the support for ICE saying that "the left radical Dems want you out, then it will be all the police, no luck, it will never happen!"

The political backlash against ICE is so intense that members of the Criminal Investigation Division of the agency have asked Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to separate them as a separate agency. reported Thursday the Washington Post.

The Post stated that the request originated from the majority of the special agents in charge of the Homeland Security Investigation Division, which handles transnational investigations related to the fight against terrorism, narcotics and human trafficking .

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