Donald Trump's alleged Russian "links" alleged in US secret documents


The FBI believes that Page has been the subject of targeted recruitment by the Russian government (File)


The FBI believed that a former Trump advisor had ties with Russia while he was trying to influence the United States. Presidential Election, Top Secret Documents Released to US News Bodies Revealed on Saturday

The October 2016 request to the Foreign Intelligence Watch Court named Carter Page, a former foreign policy advisor to Donald Trump's campaign, according to documents The New York Times published

The newspaper, along with USA Today and others, filed suit under the Freedom of Information Act to obtain the material, which the Department of Justice released but with many details expurgated. has been the subject of targeted recruitment by the Russian government, "says the FBI's first request before it is obscured and continues:" undermine and influence the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election " in violation of US criminal law. "

Publication of the documents comes just over a week after special adviser Robert Mueller, investigating the possible collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia, indicted 12 Russian intelligence agents. of Hillary Clinton to steal documents, which were subsequently published

Page surveillance became in February the subject of intense rivalry between Republican and Democratic lawmakers.

The first, of Trump's party, published a note stating that research funded by democratic funds has prompted the FBI to spy on Page.

Trump challenged his own director of the FBI and the Department of Justice to declbadify the four-page republican document, based on the record much wider of the secret court.

The White House first blocked the publication of a counter-memo by the Democrats, who supported the monitoring mandate. In the documents released on Saturday, the FBI cited a source that, he said, routinely provided reliable information regardless of the source's reasons for conducting research on Trump's links with Russia [19659004] Trump is not named in the document, but identified only as "Candidate # 1".

A judge approved the initial wiretap application, which was renewed three times by other judges, according to the New York Times. ] The FBI, in its initial request the previous month Trump won the elections, said that he "believes that the Russian government's efforts are coordinated with Page and perhaps other people badociated with the campaign of candidate # 1. "

established relations with representatives of the Russian government, including Russian intelligence agents. "

Page has not been indicted." On Twitter, he said the documents translated "shocking" abuses of civil rights and "complete ignorance" of Russia

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