Donald Trump's Walk of Fame in Hollywood was destroyed by the vandal


The star of US President Donald Trump on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was destroyed

According to the Los Angeles Times, the police arrested Austin Clay, 24, in connection with the apparent act vandalism.

The police stated that Clay had approached Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue and had begun to destroy the majority of the star with the help of an ax that had been removed. he carried in a guitar case.

Shortly after, he went to In a statement, Leron Gubler, President and CEO of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, said that the president's star will be repaired immediately and asked people to "project their anger in over 20,000 US dollars."

"The Hollywood Walk of Fame is an institution celebrating the positive contributions of the inductees," said Gubler.

"When people are unhappy with one of our honored, we hope that they will project their anger more positively than vandalizing a California state monument. Our democracy is based on respect for the law by voting and not destroying public property, "he added

.This is not the first time that Trump's star has been the target He was broken by a man in 2016, shortly after Trump's "Access Hollywood" recording extolling a badual badault.

The star was also disfigured with "swastika" , the mute sign and the curses drawn on it

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