Dwayne Johnson on Priyanka's novel Chopra-Nick Jonas: I take credit


  Dwayne Johnson, Priyanka Chopra, Jon Jonas

Dwayne Johnson, Priyanka Chopra, Jonas Nick Reuters / Instagram-popsugar

The relationship of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas was one of the business the most discussed in the industry so far. In India, to meet Priyanka's mother, lovebirds have made headlines in recent months

Rumors have also begun to circulate that Priyanka and Nick may get engaged soon after being seen wearing identical golden rings . who played the cupid for Priyanka and Nick?

Wrestler-turned-WWE actor Dwayne's The Rock & # 39; Johnson recently joked that he played the secret matchmaker for the couple and joked that he was the only one behind their romance.

he was questioned about Priyanka-Nick's highly valued relationship, Johnson first answered with a question: "Are they happy?" After learning that the couple seems to be well, Johnson has cordially confirmed his role in bringing together his former co-stars.

"I did it, yes, if they are happy, well, I take credit, Baywatch and Jumanji," he added, highlighting his work with Priyanka in Baywatch and with Jonas in Jumanji. Last year: Welcome to the Jungle

Priyanka, 35, and Jonas, 25, would wear matching gold rings and even spent a day together on July 4th, which was preceded by a vacation in India

However, a source close to the couple says the couple could probably wait until next year to take their relationship to the next level.

"Nick is great in Priyanka. But he is not one to rush into a commitment. It would not be surprising that they end up getting engaged, but it's not the kind to come up right now, "said a source at Us Weekly

It remains to be seen if Dwayne really near Priyanka and Nick until the next episode takes place

(with IANS entries)

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