Eclipse 2018: What time is the Moon of Blood? Total lunar eclipse July and date | Science | New


The lunar eclipse of July will begin in the eastern hemisphere on the night of Friday, July 27 and will move westward.

For most of the world, the moon will rise already eclipsed over the horizon but Central Asia and East Africa will see the future. 39, eclipse from beginning to end.

The first stage of the eclipse, the Penumbral stage, will begin at 5:54 pm UTC (6:47 BST) and will not be visible from the UK.

The moon will then slowly disappear and the partial eclipse will begin at 6.24pm (7.24pm BST), while moving westward.

From here 19.30 UTC (20.30 UTC) the total eclipse will begin and once the lunar disc is covered in darkness, the Moon of Blood will appear in the space.

The maximum eclipse, when the full moon reaches the center of the Earth's shadow, will reach a peak at 8:21 UTC (9:01 pm) period the moon will appear to shine with a deep red to orange hue in the sky.

The full eclipse w The end of the partial eclipse is scheduled at 21:13 UTC (22:13 BST) and the following partial eclipse will begin one hour later at 22:19 UTC (11:19 BST).

READ MORE: Blood Moon 2018 – Why is the July Full Moon Red?

  Eclipse 2018: Total Lunar Eclipse of the Blood Moon GETTY

Eclipse 2018: The Total Lunar Eclipse will create a Moon of Blood on July 27

The Penumbral Stage of the Moon. eclipse will end around 23:38 UTC (12:38 BST) when the moon will arrive over the coasts of South West Africa

The total phase of the eclipse will last one hour and 43 minutes – the most long lunar eclipse of the century.

Overall, with the additional partial eclipse, the lunar spectacle will dazzle astronomers for just under four hours.

By the time the eclipse ends, the moon will return to its normal gray color and shine

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Fri, 10 February 2017

Photos of the world from the rare astronomical event. The moon of blood rises as supermoon and the lunar eclipse combine.

  Moon of blood Total lunar eclipse in Vietnam "title =" Total lunar eclipse, also known as a blood moon in Vietnam "onload ="


1 of 43 [19659025] Total Lunar Eclipse, also known as the Blood Moon in Vietnam

What time is the Moon Moon eclipse in the UK?

Although the first steps of the horizon eclipse for the UK, sky observers will always see the Moon of Blood.

According to astronomers from the Royal Greenwich Observatory, the Moon of Blood will peak on the horizon around 8:50 pm, Moon time, in London. The eclipse will begin in the East

Affelia Wibisono, Royal Observatory of Greenwich

The astronomer Affelia Wibisono tells that the moon will then reach the maximum eclipse around 9:21 pm (local time).

The moon will start returning to normal at 22:13 BST at the end of the eclipse.

Ms. Wibisono said, "The eclipse will begin in the east and when the eclipse will end, when it will be completely out of the shadow of the Earth, it will be quite high in the south around 12:30. "

These times will vary slightly from a few minutes from one place to another but the Moon of Blood will be visible throughout the country.

  Eclipse 2018: Total Lunar Eclipse of the Blood Moon "title =" Eclipse 2018: Total Lunar Eclipse of the Blood Moon GETTY

Eclipse 2018: The Full Moon will slowly change color in the Moon. Earth shadow

The lunar eclipse of the United States?

Unfortunately for North America, the moon will not move to the United States, Canada and Central America.

The total lunar eclipse is visible this year only in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and parts of South America.

Disappointed starwazers will have to rely on events broadcast live on the Internet by NASA and NASA. will share the latest streams of Blood Moon during the night of the eclipse, so stay on top of the latest news on the full moon.

READ MORE: Eclipse 2018 – How to Look at the Moon of Blood in the United States

  Eclipse 2018: Moon of the Moon Total Blood Lunar Eclipse "title =" Eclipse 2018: Moon of the Moon Lunar total eclipse blood NASA GODDARD

Eclipse 2018: The Moon of Blood is visible in most parts of the globe

What time is the Moon Eclipse of blood in India?

The countries of India at the southwestern coast of Africa will be the focus of action during the eclipse. 19659002] This means that India will see the moon pbad through the Earth's shad

The Penumbral stage of the eclipse will begin at 22:45 (15:44 UTC or 18:45 BST)

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Eclipse will continue all night and will end in the morning. hours of Saturday, July 28, around 3:48 pm (11:58 UTC or 12:58 BST)

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