Elon Musk wants to go to Mars himself


  Elon Musk to Mars

NASA's InSight spacecraft finally landed on Mars yesterday and is ready to begin digging and learning more about the Red Planet. Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and President and CEO of Tesla, says he has "a 70% chance that he will go to Mars himself, or even live there."

"I'm talking about moving there," Musk told Axios on HBO in an interview published on Sunday. He also said that SpaceX, a private company specializing in launching cargo and space satellites aboard its reusable Falcon 9 rockets, "has recently made a number of breakthroughs that I'm really excited about." However, he refused to give more details.

Elon Musk has never hidden his enthusiasm when it comes to colonizing Mars, so if he really goes to Mars himself, it will not surprise anyone. Earlier this year, SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket launched its cherry-red Tesla Roadster in space, accompanied by a mannequin disguised as an astronaut. Earlier this month, SpaceX had tweeted that the car had now pbaded the orbit of Mars:

at Starman's current location. Next step is the restaurant at the end of the universe. pic.twitter.com/Ty5m8IjJpE

– SpaceX (@SpaceX) November 3, 2018

If chance allowed, would Musk really go to Mars himself? This is not the first time that he is talking about going into space. Earlier this year, he said he could join Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa on a trip around the moon that is scheduled for 2023, according to CNBC.

This is BFR of @spacex # dearMoon . .twitter.com/JZiu1RHqUN

– Yusaku Maezawa (MZ) 澤 友 作 (@ yousuck2020) 18 September 2018

The announcement of the Japanese billionaire as the first person to book a Private flight On the moon with SpaceX, Musk says, "Maybe we'll both be there," and Maezawa agrees that Musk will join him.

Technically, two parts: Starship is the spaceship / top floor and Super Heavy is the Booster rocket needed to escape the deep gravity of Earth (not necessary for other planets or moons)

– Elon Musk ( @elonmusk) 20 November 2018

Later versions will be

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) 20 November 2018

One of SpaceX's future goals is to Bring humans to the Moon and Mars aboard his sp Spaceship called Starship, formerly known as BFR, or Big Falcon Rocket. The initial mission of the spacecraft is to take pbadengers anywhere on Earth in less than an hour, the company said in a YouTube video. Musk had already tweeted earlier this year.

BFR will take you anywhere on Earth in less than 60 minutes https://t.co/HWt9BZ1FI9

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) on 29 September 2017

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