Emily Blunt on a quiet place, working with John Krasinski, and winner of the "Shock" SAG Award


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			<span clbad= Photo credit: Jonny Cournoyer

All those who watch Emily Blunt accept her award for best actress at the Sunday SAG Awards can not doubt that his wife John Krasinski, director / actor,

she dedicated her prize to him, and their common experience in making the film together clearly shook him. "Adorable, except that Blunt told the press behind the scenes that she could not even see her movie – her face as she is "completely blind" without her glbades

After her acceptance, Blunt was also questioned about the process of working with Krasinski as a married couple and she laughed saying that she had actually been warned not to work together.

"Many people said," You will divorce before the end, "she says," but in reality, we were so much closer. And I think that discovering how much we collaborated, how much we can create something together, was so special. "

  25th Screen Actors Guild Awards - title =

John Krasinski and Emily Blunt at the SAG Awards 2019

Getty Images

] Jeff Kravitz

But we should keep a thought for Blunt's mother, who was quite upset to see her daughter being harbaded by extraterrestrials in the movie and giving birth in a bathtub. "It was the most disheartening to do the whole scene of birth because I knew it was would be a beast and we shot for five days in a row, "Blunt said," from the moment my water breaks until I'm in the bath The tub, which is still crying my mother – she does not like to look at her. "

But it is certain that Blunt and Krasinski will celebrate great nights, especially that they do not expect her to win. 39, he was probably as shocked as me, "she said. "because it was incredibly unexpected, and it was certainly not something that I had planned. I am so blown away and I think he was delighted. "[19659013] [ad_2]
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