Emmanuel Macron again has the chance to be named "Les Bleus"


It seems that Emmanuel Macron was lucky again.

France's 4-2 triumph against Croatia in Sunday's World Cup final, their second World Cup after the success in 1998, sparked a wave of national optimism. This is the type of good news that most presidents can only dream of.

After 14 months in office, Macron's ratings have steadily declined, falling to just 40%. Although he oversaw a series of economic and social reforms, the former 40-year-old investment banker was referred to as "president of the rich" by many left-wing critics, and the The label has remained.

the dishes, a swimming pool built during a presidential retreat and uncomfortable remarks about the costs of well-being have reinforced the image of a leader out of touch with the people, at least in some minds.

But just as he took advantage of an extraordinary series of lucky breaks during the 2017 presidential campaign, including the implosion of the Conservative bid on a corruption scandal, the Macron's fortune seems to have still turned

in Moscow to watch the final with his wife Brigitte. defeated by the win, standing on the ground in the pouring rain to embrace each of the players in turn and then embrace the trophy of the World Cup in joy.

A photo of him celebrating a goal from France, his fists pum In 1998, the popularity of President Jacques Chirac soared on the effect "World Cup" – an 18 point jump in his ratings according to Ifop polls – helping the old Gaullist recover from a humiliating defeat in a surprise election of 1997.

Chirac's enthusiastic bonhomie and enthusiasm during the 1990s – Black-White-Beur's (Black-White-North African) multiracial team from playmaker Zinedine Zidane helped him to get rid of a series of corruption scandals. to win a second term

This Macron – who is still very much in charge and not reduced to a largely ceremonial role as Chirac was under the regime of "cohabitation" with the Socialists – could earn much more than a few However, according to political polls, it is not excluded that a boost of some kind be possible, here and abroad

"It is far from being acquired that what it's happened in 1998 will be reproduced in the same way now, "Gael Sliman, a pollster with Odoxa, told Reuters. "(But) we could very well see 5, 6, 10 points of popularity gains for the executive.

" This could also have a significant impact on the morale of the French economy, the confidence people in the future, their optimism in general.


The Macron lieutenants sought to downplay any suggestion that politics and football are linked: they do not want the president to be accused of taking advantage of the World Cup, even though Macron and his wife were in Moscow to attend the finals.

"We have nothing to do with that, but let's rejoice," Macron told his ministers last week after France beat Belgium in the semifinals. Griveaux

That said, Macron can expect Sunday's euphoria to trigger a wave of self-confidence and national pride, while perhaps enhancing France's international reputation

]. I've said of his military commanders: no matter how clever they are, "give me lucky generals."

"You have to be very careful about a political effect, but maybe there will be a moral effect that will last the entire summer" Ifop's Frederic Dabi told Reuters. "I see more of an effect on the image of France abroad, that gives a cumulative effect, it reinforces the Macron refrain of" France is back "."

At the national level, the nation could make a "well-being"

After years of high unemployment, economic stagnation and a series of deadly Islamist attacks since 2015, the victory of the World Cup could help the nation to think that the worst is behind it. This can also help soften the pill that the government will soon unveil, with unpopular spending cuts expected after the summer.

"The second part of the year will be a bit complicated," Ludovic Subran, head of research at Allianz, Macdonald needed this victory. "

According to Subran's research, the World Cup will boost French consumption by 0.2 percentage points this year, which in turn will increase economic growth by 0.1 point

which may be enough to help Macron to sing the tune of the 1998 French anthem: "I Will Survive".

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