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"They would not, right?"
This is a question that arises so easily by watching the twists and turns of 'Game of Thrones'. After the shock of Ned Stark's murder and the Red Wedding bloodbath in Season 3 in the first season, the series had earned a reputation as a person who was not sure of being such that many fans feared the Battle of Winterfell two weeks ago. Now, with a risk of heavy losses again on the horizon Sunday in the Battle of King's Landing, these words resonate again in the minds of viewers – but perhaps for different reasons. At over 160 minutes of his last season, the worry that comes after more than 70 episodes of entangled intrigues, complacent characters and fan theories far enough to occupy half of the internet could Tripping "Game of Thrones" at the end.
(And yes, if the orientation of this piece is not clear enough, there are definitely future disrupters.)
The writing first appeared at wall during the fight with the forces of the king at night in the third episode of this season dubbed "The long night". Even leaving aside the difficulties of badyzing what was happening in low light conditions (the cinematographer then criticized the viewers for not having created conditions similar to those of the cinema, a justification that bore its own ring tyrannical), the series was built on the basis of realities seemed to lose heart. Of course, no one wants to see his favorite characters die, but with hundreds of unnamed victims piling up under the effects of battle, it seemed like a failure – a departure for a show that was gaining importance for unpredictability – as many of the characters have survived.
The deaths of three people who did not survive the episode – Theon, Jorah, and Beric – were not unexpected given the arc of their characters. Surprise killed the king of the night so suddenly in the middle of the season, which may have been satisfying, but he forced 'Game of Thrones' to revisit one of his often-repeated principles. Despite all the maneuvering to gain the power and position that served as the title of the series, history repeatedly stated that such quarrels were useless in the face of an event that threatened the species and that was the Army of the Dead .
Anticlimactic a lot?
How could a return to earthly concerns such as wealth and power be perceived as anything other than acclimatic? This does not even take into account the pressing mysteries behind the origin of the king at night and his penchant for cryptic symbols derived from human remains, as well as the goal of mysticism that jumps in the time of Bran Stark, who seemed until now to exist as a long way towards proving the filiation of Jon Snow. After so many things, these questions were swept aside by Arya Stark – or, more likely, pushed back to the Game of Thrones preface in the works.
But even if these larger questions come to the fore in the last two episodes, presenters David Benioff and DB Weiss showed a disturbing trend to reject other promising aspects of the series while the characters began to behave ways that seemed unrecognizable.
It can be a matter of time, which is strange to consider for a show that has been going on for so long and that took almost two years to complete the filming of its last season. But when adapting the romances of George RR Martin, the show held hands firm, while expanding and condensing its sources. While "Game of Thrones" now exceeds what Martin has released, the series may have trouble linking points in Martin's intended conclusion, a book that might need three more pounds and two seasons to be adequately covered.
generous interpretation, but this could explain how Daenerys Targaryen, the queen of the show who had promised to "break the wheel" of oppression under the reign of other monarchs, has fallen into an erratic behavior that resulted in an easy connection with the cruelty of his father, The Crazy King.
An intelligent and compbadionate, power-corrupted character, is a mature territory ("Breaking Bad", whoever it is?), But less so when it seems to manifest itself in the space of & dquo; An episode, especially in the service of elevating the odds for an honorable but less convincing character in Jon Snow. Brienne had also suddenly fallen on the podium last Sunday. After seasons of great autonomy and power that often exceeded those of her male counterparts, she was in tears since the sudden departure of her apparent love Jaime after two nights together.
Less generously, it may not be a coincidence that some of the most confusing developments in the series are centered around her female characters. The rise of Daenerys seemed to be a turning point for a long-time Westeros led by disgusting men whose cruelty to women was described as so casually that she was also becoming a calling card for the series.
It is not as if these characters were not allowed to behave in this way; they have just been long presented as knowing better. In previous seasons, 'Game of Thrones' may have pushed fans to shout on their screens about unexpected deaths, but this has only rarely inspired the cries of an audience that knows more than its characters . Why, for example, would Daenerys embark on another negotiation with Queen Cersei, a self-obsessed by herself, in expectation of a different outcome? Or did not you prepare for an ambush after a battle, everyone knew she had fought?
All of this can still lead to a satisfactory conclusion, even if one wonders what it might look like in the face of such high expectations. Perhaps we want to feel that a show that could reflect our world with its gnarled political game, its impending existential threat and its rooted cruelty that kills fathers in front of their daughters and subjects women to trauma could eventually tip a better life .
But failing that, our only hope is an end that offers something more than what we have already seen. "Game of Thrones" has changed the ambition of television. It would be a shame if the series retreated to a place that, despite all its dragons and myths, remained rooted on Earth.
Do not miss it!
The last season of the Game of Thrones & # 39; appears in the UAE exclusively on OSN. OSN Play, On Demand and Wavo at the same time as the United States.
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