End of the World: NASA Asteroid Warns Biblical Conspiracy Theory | Bizarre | New


The biblical conspirator who preached the end-of-world prophecies of West Lafayette in Indiana, United States, believes that "the last days are here".

Pastor Begley has curiously announced the arrival of three asteroids that will fly over the Earth on Saturday. On November 10, one of the many warning signs announced in the Bible Scriptures is

. He believes that the three asteroids will arrive on the third day of "five waves of energy" sweeping the planet – an event that he believes could be more

The conspiracy theorist said, "Three asteroids are on their way to the weekend, we discovered it in less than an hour. Three of them.

"They are not going to hit us, they should not. They will get closer and arrive the same weekend of the third wave of the five waves of energy.

"Now, 40 fireballs went through the earth's atmosphere last night, so what's going on here?"

The incendiary preacher claimed that "something ugly is going on in the heavens "and suggested that this could be God's wrath.

Pastor Begley's dreadful warnings come after NASA's asteroid trackers announced that three large asteroids would pbad the planet this weekend. [19659005] The three rocks in the space measure between 7.6 and 30 m in diameter.

The closest asteroids will approach Earth from just 381,474 km (237,037 km), which is slightly closer than the moon is.

Pastor Begley defended his claims, claiming that his end-time interpretations rested solely on the Christian scriptures and the word of God.

will shake th e heavens, I am supposed to tell you that it will make the sky shake.

"And when people say," well I do not think it's going to shake the sky, "then I say ok, well here's what

" Actually, here's what was happening formerly in Exodus, chapter nine, when a fire mixed with hail and hail fell on the Earth and that fire rang out along the earth, creating a chaos [19659002] "That's what s & # 39; Is already produced once, it will probably happen again.

"If you read Revelation, it will tell you. If you read Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 – if you read Peter 2, chapter 3, you know that Peter says the Earth will melt with fiery heat. "

The preacher claimed that the asteroids and the waves of energy that pbaded over her the Earth are all signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

He said," People need to To be saved and people have to be ready because we are really living in the last days, can you say amen? "

However, astronomers do not fear any asteroid thug leading currently on a collision course with the Earth .

Astronomer Matija Cuk, of the University of British Columbia in Canada, said: "It is very unlikely that a regional or global destruction will occur short-term – in the next two centuries – since we have already discovered most of the near-Earth asteroids larger than 1 km and none of them seems to be heading in this way.

"Localized impact. Risk is also low, regardless of location or time."

Pastor Begley famously preached that the lunar eclipse of Moon Moon of July this year was a biblical warning sign prophesied in the book of Revelation.

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