England is out of the World Cup but has found the national hero in coach Gareth Southgate


Before the tournament started, few thought that England would play as well. And most fans believe that the unlikely rise would never have occurred without Southgate. He took young players to the brink of greatness. The coach said, "They are far from what they are capable of."

Southgate is soccer. But he is bigger than football here.

Great Britain has gone through a difficult period. The country is bound to its decision to leave the European Union. Prime Minister Theresa May's cabinet is in revolt. Add to that attacks with neurotoxic agents of the Soviet era in the campaign and major protests planned to welcome President Donald Trump on Friday.

Southgate offers hope that everyone will be able to have it sorted.

through some tough times recently in terms of his unit, "said Southgate." But the sport can unite. "

Many moving moments for England from this Cup tournament of the World, there is one who catches in the British throat.He came after England defeated Colombia in shootings.

As the fans went crazy with the win, Southgate has looked for the Colombian player whose lack had given England his win.While Mateus Uribe covered his face with shame and disappointment, and that he was crying, Southgate took him in his arms to comfort him [19659002] The gesture was not lost for fans who had long memories.For example, at the 1996 European Championship played at Wembley Stadium in London, it was Southgate who missed the penalty that gave Germany the semifinal match and later the title.

dream of the nation, "wrote Southgate in a memoir. "I knew it would be a major problem for the rest of my life."

Life had come full circle. "He showed a nation how to behave," writes John Crace in The Guardian

In Britain, parents used the hug to teach their children sportsmanship 39, empathy

. "His arm around Uribe's shoulder was not a casual, fleeting gesture, it was a gesture that spoke of a deep understanding Crace believed "it was a moment of grace."

He is the new British man.In a country that has virtually invented football hooliganism, and gave birth to the millionaire Premier League rock star , Southgate during his own career was the quietly competent defender, no drama, any work ethic.

Married, two children.He calls his team family.He told the boys, "write your own stories. "

During the middle of the tournament, Southgate insisted that Fabian Delph returns home for the birth of his child. Delph missed the victory against Colombia, but returned in time to qualify for the quarter-final victory against Sweden

Delph told reporters that the penalty shootout in England caused the work of his wife. The Mail on Sunday said that Southgate's performance at the World Cup in Russia "changed the perceptions of himself and English football."

"His victory is a victory over generation fears and doubts," Holt wrote. "For 20 years, we have praised the idea that we believed in ourselves unintentionally, now we believe it."

These sports writers do not just write about a game.

at Daily Mirror, John Cross tweeted: "The top pages … the divided country, disintegrating, the back pages. .. the unifying country, building bridges Simple solution: after the World Cup, Gareth Southgate Prime Minister "

Columnist Michael Deacon said in the Telegraph that Southgate could win as a centrist Emmanuel Macron of Britain: "Certainly, we do not know anything about his current policy, but to be honest I do not think we have to, because everything screams" reasonable mean-meaning. "Okay, maybe not" screaming. "More like "murmurs thoughtfully, with a worried frown."

Southgate is huge on social media Wednesday, fans were uploading photos of themselves in Southgate style vests for # WaistcoatWednesday.

"Most beautiful daddy to a ma riage-disco that David Beckham, "observed the Guardian," the look of the manager of England turned "

others tweeted with the hashtag #GarethSouthgateWould and joked about the types of selfless things that 39 he could do, as "GarethSouthgate would give you his place in a bus even though he was 8 months pregnant".

Stories have emerged over the past few days about actual encounters with the manager – not breathtaking anecdotes, but images that collectively portray a decent and generous man, no matter if the cameras are there. [19659002] A fan posted a letter Southgate wrote thanking him for his kind words after the championship of Europe in '96. A girls' football club from East London recalled the time at which Southgate had to spend 30 minutes with him, but he stayed for three hours

"He's compbadionate," acknowledged Dell Young, 40, fishmonger in southwest London. "He stands out a lot more than the others because he cares a little more," he said, while he was spreading ice on his fish to help keep London's cool one day out hot.

Emilia Campman, 22, arrived at a South London pub wearing an English t-shirt three hours before the kickoff Wednesday to take a good place

"He cares more about people as winners. "

Sitting next to her at the pub, her friend, Molly Johnson, 20, offered:" It brings such a great atmosphere to the team, at the same time. England, to everyone …

"Whenever I hear him speak, he says to give the best of myself, Work hard, everything about him is posi tive. That's the kind of person you want.

(This story was not edited by NDTV staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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