Entering the body of Einstein via VR can help people with low self-esteem


LONDON: A virtual reality experience of being in Albert Einstein's body can help people with low self-esteem achieve better results on cognitive tests, according to a study.

The perception of having Einstein's body could help unlock previously inaccessible mental resources, according to the researchers.

Following an einstein virtual reality experiment, participants were also less likely to subconsciously stereotype older people.

Published in Frontiers in Psychology, the study suggests that the way our brain perceives our body is surprisingly flexible. The researchers hope that the technique will be useful for education.

"Virtual reality can create the illusion of a virtual body to replace yours, what is called a virtual embodiment," said Mel Slater, a professor at the University of California. University of Barcelona in Spain.

"In an immersive virtual environment, participants can see this new body reflected in a mirror and it exactly matches their movements, helping to create a powerful illusion that the virtual body is theirs," said Slater.

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Beethoven's Manuscript

Nov 30, 2017

In 2016, Sotheby's had a manuscript of Ludwig van Beethoven at auction. The manuscript of a page has been described as the "autograph manuscript of the Allegretto in B minor for string quartet (WoO 210), composed for an English visitor to Vienna in 1817". It bears the words "composed and written by Beethoven himself on November 29, 1817 in Vienna". The manuscript was expected to yield about 200,000 books. The auction house said that there was no taker because of the statement of a Beethoven scholar that the manuscript was not authentic.

Image: Sotheby's & # 39; s

Previous research has revealed that virtual realization can have striking effects on attitudes and behavior. For example, whites who experienced a virtual black body showed fewer subconscious stereotypes (called implicit biases) of blacks.

"We were wondering if the virtual incarnation could affect cognition: if we give someone a recognizable body that represents supreme intelligence, like Albert Einstein, would they do better on a cognitive task that normal people? " Slater said.

To find out, researchers recruited 30 young men to participate in a virtual realization experiment.

Prior to the embodiment, participants completed three tests: a cognitive task to reveal their ability to plan and solve problems; a task to quantify their self-esteem; and one to identify any implicit bias towards the elderly.

This last task was to determine whether the experience of an older looking simulation could change attitudes towards older people.

The study participants then donned a combination of body tracking and a virtual reality headset. Half experienced a virtual Einstein body and the other half a normal adult body.

After completing a few exercises in the virtual environment with their new body, they repeated the implicit bias and cognitive tests.

The researchers found that people with low self-esteem performed the cognitive task better as a result of Einstein's virtual experiment, compared with those who experienced a normal body of some- one. one of their age.

Those who were exposed to Einstein's body also had a reduced implicit bias against the elderly.

Basically, cognitive improvements did not occur in people with low self-esteem. The researchers hypothesized that those who had low self esteem had the most to gain by changing their thinking to themselves.

Seeing yourself in the body of a respected and intelligent scientist may have reinforced their confidence during the cognitive test.

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While we see a lot of new launches at trade shows like CES and IFA it is crowdfunding platforms and technological breakthroughs that keep innovation alive throughout the year.

Here are some of the unique products we bet on.

(Text: Karan Bajaj)

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