Entertainment Journalist Guild appreciates the excuses of Ekta Kapoor; maintains boycott of Kangana Ranaut | Hindi movie news


Entertainment Journalist Guild, an badociation for the defense of the interests of journalists who cover the news of entertainment, was created in the context of the recent and ugly clash between Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and a journalist of entertainment at the next Judgmentall Hai Kya movie promotions.

Yesterday, the fraternity had asked producer Ekta Kapoor and the actress to apologize for the ugly driving. Earlier in the day, Ezra Kapoor's Balaji Telefilms had apologized to the media and had also asked the media to continue supporting her and the film.

The Entertainment Journalist Guild issued a public statement in which she appreciated the apology made by producer Ekta Kapoor for defending what is right with her official statement.

  WhatsApp Image 2019-07-10 at 13:43.

However, the fraternity has made it clear that the media will continue to boycott Kangana Ranaut on all platforms.

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