ESA's Mars Express mission sends great images of the heart of Mars


The European Space Agency (ESA) photographed part of the Martian landscape, a region on the borderline of the rocky and fragmented northern and southern hemisphere that once formed the floodplains of the red planet. 19659002] The data constituting this image was collected by Mars Express's High Resolution Stereoscopic Camera (HRSC) on February 26th.

Nili Fossae on Mars

The region, an escarpment furrowed and filled with rocks known as Nili Fossae sits at the border of the northern and southern hemispheres.

It is an impressive example of past activity on the planet and shows signs of a wind, water and ice that once displaced materials The ESA said in a statement issued last week in a press release, according to IANS.

Despite Mars' reputation as a dry and arid world, water is thought to have played a vital role in sculpture. Nili Fossae via ongoing erosion .

Nili Fossae is filled with rocky valleys, small hills and bunches of flat landforms (called mesas in geological terms), with some pieces of crustal rock appearing to be sunk into the surface creating a number of

A piece of land Altitude of Nili Fossae

In addition, the image also shows the terrain at altitude of Nili Fossae.

It seems to be mainly rocks. plateaus while the lower ground includes smaller rocks, mesas, hills and more, with the two sections roughly separated by erosion cbads and valleys.

View of the flood plains of Nili Fossae as seen by Mars Express, ESA. . (Imagey: ESA)

It is believed that the shapes and structures scattered throughout this image have been shaped over time by flows of not only water and ice, but also wind, said the ESA.

Martian Winds

Images showed spots on the surface that appear to be especially dark on the ocher background, as stained with charcoal or ink.

The Nili Fossae in 3D. (Image: ESA)

These are areas of darker volcanic sand, transported and deposited by the current Martian winds.

The wind often moves sand and dust over the surface of Mars, creating a wavy dune . The researchers said the fields covered the entire planet and formed a varied and multicolored terrain like Nili Fossae.

Read also | A mystery behind the moon of Mars: the Phobos throat decoded

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