Essex publishes a cheeky tweet about Virat Kohli, his fans offer epic answers


London: The Esbad team was sweated by Esbad who reached 237-5 on the second day of his match in Chelmsford on Thursday with his faintness under a stifling sun , aggravated by fears about the health of key player Ravichandran Ashwin.

The team of Virat Kohli, who plays his only warm-up match before the test series against England that will take place next Wednesday, has been ruled out for 395, having resumed in 322 -6.

When skipper Kohli hit a half-century ago, Esbad's Twitter tweet came up with a cheeky tweet that did not go well with many of his fans.

The tweet showed a video of Kohli celebrating his fifties legend, "This guy is not bad at cricket." Although there was nothing wrong, Kohli fans did not hold back.

The second fielder of Esbad is a great admirer of @imVkohli . He continually applauds for Kohli as soon as he has reached his half-century.

– Abinash Gogoi (@ Abinash70425459) July 25, 2018

It is the next legend we can also say the living legend of

– Steve. (@gulzarkkhan) July 25, 2018

The legend should be … This guy is amazing in cricket

– Virat & # 39; s_girl: * (@coolmonideepa) July 25, 2018

Lost all his races in a friendly match

– Seb Miller (@SebYeboahMiller) July 25, 2018

Sounds bad for England in the next series

– Deep @ k Verm @ (@ deepaka0615) July 26, 2018

The home team then reached 237-5 at strains after half-centuries of Tom Westley (57) and Michael Pepper ( 68).

Ashwin did not play a role – he only had one day left to play Friday – after being hit right hand during training.

Dinesh Karthik was the top scorer with 82 points for India while Hardik Pandya reached 51.

On Wednesday, Kohli scored 68, while KL Rahul (58) and Murali Vijay (53) have also spent time in the middle.

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