Ethiopia and long-time rivals restore diplomatic relations after 20 years


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – Ethiopian and Eritrean leaders formally reestablished relations on Monday, ending 20 years of enmity, and citizens of both counties immediately began calling each other to recover. contact. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, 42, and Erythean President Isaias Afwerki, 72, have also signed agreements to open embbadies in their respective capitals, restore flight services and use port facilities in Eritrea. The signing took place in Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, before Abiy returned to Ethiopia.

"The march towards peace could be long but we have faith in the love and solidarity of our people," said Abiy. signature. "We can now imagine a future where we will not see national borders or high walls dividing us: the inhabitants of our region are united in a common goal."

Residents have not wasted time calling on the phone.

Received the first call of Asmara in Eritrea! Ermiyas Teklu exclaims in Ethiopia, after talking to his uncle and his family after more than two decades when telecommunications between neighboring countries have been blocked. "The last time I spoke to them, it was the first time I talked to them. was when I was in a third country, my mother will talk to our parents in Eritrea and everyone is excited about it. "

Many Ethiopians have expressed their enthusiasm on social media The Ethiopian reformist Prime Minister flew to Eritrea on Sunday, was greeted with hugs and laughs by Afwerki, a joyous scene unthinkable just a few months before, and the two leaders spoke of love. between their countries and announced the end of the long border war.

Eritrea's Minister of Information tweeted about the "historic" summit

Wheels Up! Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and his delegation return home after a historic and successful summit during a two-day official visit to Eritrea

– Yemane G. Meskel (@hawelti) July 9, 2018 [19659009] Joint Declaration: … (iii) Transport, commerce and telecommunication links will resume; diplomatic links and renewed activities; iv) the decision on the border will be implemented; v) The two countries will work together to guarantee peace, development and cooperation at the regional level

– Yemane G. Meskel (@hawelti) 9 July 2018 [19659011] "Events" These past two days between Ethiopia and Eritrea are like the fall of the Berlin Wall, only physical structures multiplied by 1,000. We have never been separated in the past. Mind, "writes Samson Haileyesus on Facebook

". A state of war between the two countries has come to an end, "tweeted Abiy's chief of staff, Fitsum Arega, who also agreed to implement a border decision that awards prices. to key centers in Eritrea.

"Transport, trade and telecommunication links will resume, diplomatic ties and activities will be renewed." According to Ethiopian Foreign Minister Workneh Gebeyehu, negotiations will resume next week

The regional bloc known for its peace negotiations, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, hailed the spectacular diplomatic breakthrough between Ethiopia and Eritrea. he looked forward to Eritrea joining the regional bloc and "taking its rightful place to collectively advance peace and development in our region." Eritrea aq The regional group served a decade ago when it accused the bloc of serving the interests of Ethiopia.

U.N. Visiting Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has approved the resumption of relations between formerly belligerent countries, hailing developments as "an incredible success! These types of developments give us hope."

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