Ex-Trump's lawyer weighs his options – INTERNATIONAL


U.S. Former Donald Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen, has stayed out of the spotlight since federal agents attacked his office and his hotel room and seized numerous documents about his work. for Mr. Trump

. a much more aggressive and public bend, seeming to wage an open war with the White House while evaluating whether to cooperate with the investigators.

The proceedings suggest that Mr. Cohen is looking for a way to get out of the deal. But his behavior does not quite correspond to a clear strategy, say the legal experts

'Willing to tell Mueller & # 39;

Three days after the publication by Mr. Cohen's new lawyer, Lanny Davis's tape of Mr. Cohen and Mr. Trump talk about paying for
Karen McDougal's silence model, the relationship is still fragmented on Friday. It was after a CNN report that Mr. Cohen was ready to tell special advocate Robert Mueller that Mr. Trump knew in advance of a meeting at Trump Tower in 2016 in which the eldest son Mr. Trump was looking for detrimental information about a Russian lawyer about Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Trump on Friday vehemently reiterated his denial that he knew about the meeting, which is the focus of Mr. Mueller's investigation, tweeting "NO" he "did not know no meeting with my son, Don jr. "

CNN quoted anonymous sources as saying that Cohen was willing to share his information with Mueller, who is investigating a possible collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia. Mr. Cohen has no evidence such as audio cbadettes verifying his claims, said CNN sources

. Cohen's camp denied being the source of the CNN report.

The specter of potentially damaging information, which would go against months of denials and indicates a willingness to collude with a foreign power by Mr. Trump himself, again raised the possibility of what Mr. Cohen could deliver to prosecutors when he decides to cooperate.

Cutting a business?

Mr. Cohen has not yet decided to work with federal prosecutors, according to two people familiar with his thinking.

The Department of Justice had been investigating Mr. Cohen for months, attacking his home, office, and hotel room in April in search of documents related to a $ 130,000 payment he's been making. facilitated to Stormy Daniels. If Mr. Cohen, who specializes in closing deals and eliminating Mr. Trump's problems, were to enter into an agreement, he would do so with a view to eliminating or reducing his eventual punishment.

Mr. Cohen's relatives describe the lawyer is also puzzled at the fast-paced events unfolding around him as he tries to monitor his family and make decisions about his future. Mr. Cohen has also been seriously injured by Trump's public anger and is determined to retaliate, according to two people familiar with this thought.

There has been speculation that Mr. Cohen may be looking for a pardon from Mr. Trump, who has started brandishing and discussing presidential power frequently in recent times. But a person close to Mr. Cohen downplayed the possibility

New Information

If Mr. Cohen chooses to cooperate with the investigators, including Mr. Mueller, it is unclear what information they could not gather for themselves or have not already learned by themselves.

The Mueller team has been working for 14 months. Defendants who seek clement agreements through their cooperation are generally more likely to pbad the government's door earlier in an investigation. In addition, Mr. Cohen made no public mention of Mr. Trump's knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting. When he mentioned the crucial details to the House investigators, this was not included in their mbadive report.

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