Exoplanets found with stable climates, regular seasons; What else is needed to house life?


  NASA, Kepler, Exoplanets, Space, Discovery,

NASA / JPL-Caltech

Scientists have recently discovered two exoplanets, which are located in the living areas of their respective stars and the best part is that the planets probably have stable climates and regular seasons. Astronomers also believe that one of them is more or less similar in size than our planet of origin.

Researchers at Georgia Tech and Harvard University have discovered that Kepler-186f and Kepler-62f both seem to be inclining axis, just like the Earth. According to scientists, these two exoplanets are capable of sheltering life.

The tilt of a planet affects the amount of light that it receives from the star, which in turn influences its climate. The complex gravitational gymnastics of a system's planets can shake the angle of orientation of a planet as it rotates and revolves around its host star.

The Earth's axial tilt goes from 22.1 to about 24.5 degrees every 10,000 years. Mars, on the other hand, faces much larger aspens because there is no satellite bog to pull his movements.

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"It seems that the two exoplanets are very different from Mars We do not know if they own moons, but our calculations show that even without satellites, the axes Kepler-186f spin and 62f would have remained constant over tens of millions of years, "said Georgia Tech badistant professor Gongjie Li. He is also one of the authors of the study who was published in The Astronomical Journal.

Kepler-62f is about 40% larger than our planet of origin. Kepler-186f, detected in 2014, is located approximately 500 light-years from Earth. This is the first planet to be discovered, which has a similar radius to our own rocky planet.

Not dismissing the origin of life on planets with irregular seasons, another author of the study, Yutong Shan of the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Center, said: "Even on Earth, life is remarkably diverse and has shown incredible resilience in extraordinarily hostile environments, but a climate-stable planet could be a more comfortable place to start."

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