Explained: How important is the return of his passport by Choksi?


  Explained: How important is the return of his pbadport by Choksi?
The fact that Choksi is no longer an Indian citizen adds a layer of complication to the efforts to bring him to court in a scam of the National Bank of Punjab, in the amount of 13,500 rupees. . (File)

The official handover of Mehul Choksi's pbadport was scheduled – India not allowing dual citizenship, and the fugitive jeweler acquired citizenship of the Caribbean Caribbean nation, Antigua and Barbuda, in November 2017 – suggesting that he would lose his Indian citizenship.

The fact that Choksi is no longer an Indian citizen adds a layer of complication to efforts to bring him back to court for his ransom of Rupees 13,500 belonging to the National Bank of Punjab. That said, India has been able to extradite several foreigners accused of committing crimes in India – the latest example being that of Christian Michel, who arrived in India last month. The key factor in such cases remains India's diplomatic influence with the country concerned and New Delhi's ability to obtain badistance in bringing a fugitive to justice.

A government source said on Monday: "Do not forget that whenever an Indian citizen acquires foreign nationality, he is supposed to surrender his Indian pbadport." India continues to demand return from Choksi with the Government of Antigua through diplomatic and legal channels. "

Choksi had left India shortly before CBI registers a RIF against him and his nephew Nirav Modi in February 2018. After sustained efforts by CBI and its application Directorate (DE), Interpol last month issued a red notice against it. A government source then told The Indian Express: "The extradition talks with the government of Antigua are already in the final stages. Hope we can bring it soon. In its statement, the IWC said: "Continuous efforts are being made to extradite all accused.

Earlier in 2018, as a result of India's request to detain Choksi, the Caribbean nation government had declared that it would not restrict Choksi's movements. . As an Antiguan citizen, Choksi has the freedom to travel without a visa in more than 130 countries. After the publication of the red notice, however, it was likely that the restrictions would be applied and the anti-Ugandan authorities should detain him, pending his extradition.

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