Eyes on the ball? Before Putin's crucial encounter, Trump itching to play golf in Scotland


U.S. President Donald Trump said Saturday that he was hoping to play golf on his course in Scotland before a summit with Kremlin President Vladimir Putin, which could be overshadowed by accusations that the Russians would have interfered in the US elections of 2016.

Trump harangued members of the NATO military alliance, scolded Germany for its reliance on Russian energy and shocked Britain in publicly criticizing Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit strategy

Trump apologized to May for her public criticism. "and promising instead a bilateral trade deal with Britain after leaving the European Union in March." While Trump was having tea with Queen Elizabeth, a US federal grand jury charged 12 Russian intelligence officers with stealing campaign data of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton

Trump repeatedly stated the investigation into the alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections – He is having trouble with Moscow. the queen at Windsor Castle, Trump traveled to Scotland, where her mother, Mary Anne, was born and owns a golf course, before her meeting in Helsinki with Putin.

"Will be in Trump Turnberry for two days meetings, calls and hopefully, golf – my primary form of exercise! "Trump said on Twitter." The weather is beautiful, and this place is amazing! Tomorrow I'm going to Helsinki for a meeting on Monday with Vladimir Putin. "

During his Turnberry course on Friday night, an activist from Greenpeace Parachute's environmental campaign group a few hundred meters from the president while he was there. stood outside the golf course hotel

Trump moved calmly inside as the parachute approached, surrounded by his security details. British said that they were trying to trace the pilot.

After tens of thousands of people protested peacefully against Trump in central London, other demonstrations are scheduled for Saturday. A shield representing Trump as an orange baby, wearing diapers, was to be raised in a park in the Scottish capital

"I'm here as a protester to say: I really do not want this man," said Graham Creelman, 70 year s, who participated in a small demonstration on the beach next to the Turnberry Golf Course: "The government must take a stand against awful attitudes and horrendous behavior, and we do not do it. "[19659002FranceasandBritishCommerceLiamFoxadeclaredthattheprotestantsanti-Trumpwereembarrbadedlypampered-theirelfashaveboughtmanywomenandreadfromthefree

About 100 Trump supporters, some wearing hats" Make Britain Great Again "their admiration for the President vis-à-vis the US Embbady in London

Donald and Vladimir

Trump and Putin, who control the two largest nuclear arsenals in the world, will meet in the Finnish capital, a place that evokes cold memories. War clashes between the Soviet Union and the United States

Trump, a 72-year-old former New York real estate developer who praises his own skills, and Putin, former spy of the aged KGB 65 years old and black belt of judo, should have time In the most detailed US prosecution to date, Moscow participated in the presidential election, a federal grand jury said that the officers of the The Russian military intelligence agency covertly monitored computers in the Clinton campaigns and Democratic campaign committees.

The accusations further highlight Trump's treatment of Putin, who repeatedly denied that Russia was trying to interfere with or distort the US elections that Trump, a Republican, had won unexpectedly. acted on the claims of Russian interference if the FBI had informed the president of then before the elections of 2016. He also asked where was the server of the Democratic National Committee: "Why the FBI does not have the has he not taken possession of it? Trump asked on Twitter. When asked at a press conference on Friday that he would tell Putin to stay out of the US elections, Trump said "yes." The president also said that he was not expecting much progress on the issue. "I will absolutely bring this," Trump told reporters. "I do not think you'll have a" Gee, I've done it, I've done it, you've got me. ""

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