Facebook etiquette part of the declaration of independence "hate speech"


Facebook apologized to a Texas newspaper on Tuesday for deleting its post that included the pbadage.

The Liberty County Vindicator had published excerpts from the Daily Declaration of Independence until July 4th. The first nine positions have been published without problems. The tenth article, which included paragraphs 27 to 31 of the Declaration of Independence, was deleted by Facebook.

According to Casey Stinnett, editor of the Vindicator, the newspaper received a notice from Facebook saying that the message "goes against our standards on hate speech."
After realizing his error, Facebook restored the post. In his apology to the newspaper, Stinnett said: "It seems we've made a mistake and we've removed something that you posted on Facebook that does not go against our community standards, we want apologize, I've restored your content and removed all the blocks from your account related to this wrong action. "
In a statement after the incident, Stinnett expressed his belief that the post was considered offensive and shot because it included the phrase "

" While The Vindicator can not be certain of what triggered Facebook's filtering program, the publisher suspects that it's probably the expression "Indian savages," Stinnett said in the release. "Perhaps Thomas Jefferson had it written as" Native Americans at a difficult stage of cultural development "that would have been better."

He blamed the incident on an "automated action."

"The removal of the post was an automated action," wrote Stinnett. "If a human being working on Facebook were to examine it, there is no doubt that the message would be allowed."

A door Facebook's spokesperson told CNN that "the message was mistakenly deleted and restored as soon as we reviewed it. We're processing millions of reports every week, and sometimes we're wrong."

The door – Spole added that the mistake was due to not recognizing that the pbadage was from the Declaration of Independence.

Facebook was criticized for not being transparent enough about how it decides what is or is not forbidden and it has sometimes appeared inconsistent in the applications of its own rules.

Recently, Facebook fought accusations that it would censor conservative figures like Diamond and Silk in the United States. Groups Human Rights defenders complained about the way they dealt with hate messages related to violence in countries like Myanmar.
Facebook has made efforts to share how it deals with these issues. Richard Allen, a vice president of Facebook, described the company's policies on the definition, addressing and contextualization of hate speech in a press release last summer. "We are committed to eliminating hate speech every time we become aware of it," Allen wrote.

He noted that the process was not perfect. "But it is clear that we are not perfect when it comes to enforcing our policy, because there are often tight calls – and all too often we are wrong," Allen wrote. "Our mistakes have caused a lot of concern in a number of communities, including among the groups who feel that we are acting – or not acting – out of impartiality."

He also addressed the gaps in technology:

"We are experimenting, for example, with ways to filter the most obviously toxic language in comments so that they are hidden messages. we continue to invest in this promising progress, we are far from being able to count "

Monika Bickert, also vice president of Facebook, addressed the question of how Facebook decides what to allow on its platform form in an April press release.

"We know we need to do more, which is why, over the next year, we will build people's ability to appeal our decisions, "said Bickert.

Despite Facebook's efforts to improve its policing services, Stinnett said he had trouble rectifying the problem of the newspaper.

" It does not seem like that Facebook folks want Someone contacts them, or at least they do not make it easy, "writes Stinnett in his statement.

Heather Kelly of CNN contributed to this report.

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