Faf du Plessis calls for tougher punishments for falsifying bullets


The captain of South Africa, Faf du Plessis, called on the International Cricket Council (ICC) to impose harsher penalties on players convicted of falsifying bullets

"I know that they met some time ago, they are still the same rules and the same things, so they have to change that, "said Du Plessis, who has been convicted twice for having falsified bullets, before the tour of South Africa to Sri Lanka

. "The penalties must be more severe for falsifying bullets."

Bullet handling incidents have rocked the sport this year, prompting the ICC to consider tougher penalties after admitting that the fines were not enough to deter. I've probably said too much, but there are too many gray areas with respect to the ICC and the rules, "added the 33-year-old right-handed drummer

" One, you want clarity and, two you want consistency and it's certainly something that has not been part of this body of law for a while now. "

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