False reports claim that NASA has destroyed evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars


Nasa was falsely accused of having destroyed evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars

But despite a large number of reports to the contrary effect, there was no evidence of Strangers, and NASA would not even have destroyed anything relevant. In truth, the report examined why organic molecules – an important element of life – were only discovered recently when the space agency had explored the surface of the planet decades ago. He revealed that this could have been the result of an error by NASA, when he burned these molecules during the test process

The Most Beautiful Space Photos of NASA

1/30 ISS Earth [19659006] From the International Space Station, Terry W. Virts, flight engineer from Expedition 42, took this picture of the Gulf of Mexico and the coast american gulf at sunset


2/30 Frosted slopes of Mars

This image of an area on the surface of Mars, from about 1.5 to 3 kilometers, shows frosted ravines on a south-facing slope inside a crater. The image was taken by NASA's HiRISE camera, which climbed into its Reconstruction Orbit of Mars


3/30 Orion Capsule Splashes

The Capsule Orion sails into space before leaving a few hours later – having proved that it can be used, one day, to transport humans to Mars


4 / 30 Soyuz TMA-15M rocket launch

The Soyuz TMA-15M rocket launches at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Monday, November 24, 2014, carrying three new astronauts to the International Space Station. He also took caviar, ready for the inhabitants of the satellite to celebrate the holidays


5/30 Yellowstone Space

NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman shared this Yellowstone photo via his twitter account






6/30 Black Hole Friday

NASA celebrated Black Friday by looking in space instead – sharing images of black holes


] 7/30 NuSTAR

X-rays flow from the sun on this image showing observations of NASA's spectroscopic nuclear telescope network, or NuSTAR, superimposed on an image taken by the observatory of solar dynamics (SDO) of NASA


8/30 Saturn

This near-infrared color image shows specular reflection, or the sun, on a hydrocarbon lake named Kivu Lacus on the moon of Saturn Titan


9/30 Worlds Apart

Although Mimas and Pandora, shown here, both in Saturn orbit, they are very different moons. Pandora, "small" by the standards of the moon (50 miles or 81 kilometers in diameter) is elongated and irregularly shaped. Mimas (246 miles or 396 kilometers in diameter), a moon of "average size", formed into a sphere due to the self-gravity imposed by its superior mbad


10/30 Solar Flare

A solar flare of clbad X1.6 flashes in the middle of the sun in this image taken on September 10, captured by the Observatory of Solar Dynamics of NASA


11 / 30 Solar Flare

An image of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) shows a long solar filament of 200,000 miles tearing the Sun's corona in September 2013


12/30 Cbadiopeia A c

A false-color image of Cbadiopeia A including data from the Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes and the Chandra X-Ray observatory


13/30 Large Magellan's cloud galaxy

Image of the great Magellan's cloud galaxy seen in infrag e by the Herschel Space Observatory. Space regions like this are where new stars are born from a mixture of elements and cosmic dust


14/30 Mars Rover Spirit [19659007] The Nasa Mars Rover Spirit took the first picture of the Spirit since problems with communications began a week earlier. The picture shows the robotic arm extended to the rock called Adirondack


15/30 Morning Dawn From the Space Station

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly captured this photograph of the green lights of the aurora of the International Space Station

16/30 Launch of history – Realization of the STS-41G mission in 1984

Launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger from Florida at dawn. During this mission, Kathryn Sullivan became the first American woman to make an outing in space and Marc Garneau became the first Canadian in space. The seven-person crew was the biggest to fly on a spacecraft at that time, and STS-41G was the first flight to include two female astronauts

17/30 A new perspective on a cluster extraordinary galaxies

Clusters of galaxies are often described by superlatives. After all, they are huge conglomerates of galaxies, hot gases and dark matter that represent the largest structures in the Universe maintained by gravity

18/30 Veil Nebula Supernova Remnant

The NASA Hubble Space Telescope unveiled in amazing detail a small section of the Veil Nebula – expanding remains of a mbadive star that exploded about 8,000 years ago

19/30 Hubble sees a galactic sunflower

The arrangement of the spiral arms in the Messier galaxy 63, seen here in an image of the Nasa Hubble space telescope, recalls the motif in the center of a sunflower

20 / 30 A cosmic couple Hubble

The spectacular cosmic couple of the star Hen 2-427 – more commonly known as WR 124 – and the nebula M1-67 that surrounds it

21/30 Pluto image

Four images of the recognition imager New Horizons' long-range e (LORRI) were combined with Ralph's instrument color data to create fresh crater near the Mars area of ​​Sirenum Fossae

The HiRISE camera aboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter NASA has acquired this close-up image of a "fresh" (geologically). , although quite old on the human scale) crater impact in the region of Sirenum Fossae of Mars. This impact crater appears relatively new because it has a sharp rim and well-preserved ejecta

23/30 Earth Observations of Gemini IV in 1965

This photograph of the Strait of Florida and the Grand Bahama bench was taken during Gemini IV mission during orbit no. In 1964, the Gemini IV crew conducted scientific experiments, including photographs of land time and terrain, for the remainder of their four-day mission following Ed White's historic space walk on June 3

24/30 NASA celebrates 50 years of Spacewalking

For 50 years, NASA has been "getting ready" for spacewalk. In this 1984 photograph of the first spacewalk, NASA astronaut Bruce McCandless is in the middle of the first "in the field" trial of a backpack powered device at the time. Nitrogen Maneuvered Maneuvers Unit

25/30 Hubble Peers in the Most Crowded Place of the Milky Way

This image of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope presents the group of arches, the The densest stars of the Milky Way

26/30 NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman tweeted this photo from the International Space Station on September 2, 2014 [19659066] 27/30 Terrestrial Geography on Mars

On Mars, one can observe four clbades of sandy reliefs formed by wind, or aeolian bedforms: undulations, transverse aeolian ridges, dunes, and what? it is called "draa"

28/30 Expedition 39 Landing

A helmet of costume of e Sokol can be seen against the window of the Soyuz TMA-11M capsule shortly after the spacecraft has landed with Ex Commander Koichi Wakata of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Commander Soyuz Mikhail Tyurin of Roscosmos and flight engineer Rick Mastracchio of NASA near the city of Zhezkazgan in Kazakhstan

29/30 The big red spot of Jupiter by Voyager I

30/30 The Chandra Observatory sees a heart in the darkness

1/30 ISS Earth

From the International Space Station, Terry W. Virts, Flight Engineer Expedition 42 took this picture of the Gulf of Mexico and the US Gulf Coast at sunset


2/30 Frosted Slopes of Mars

This image of an area on the surface of Mars, about 1.5 by 3 kilometers in size, shows frosted ravines on a v-oriented slope to the south in a crater. The image was taken by NASA's HiRISE camera, which is mounted on its Mars Recognition Orbiter


3/30 Orion Capsule Splashes

The capsule Orion sails into space before leaving a few hours later – having proved that it can be used, one day, to transport humans to Mars


4 / 30 Soyuz TMA-15M rocket launch

The Soyuz TMA-15M rocket launches at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Monday, November 24, 2014, carrying three new astronauts to the International Space Station. He also took the caviar, ready for the inhabitants of the satellite to celebrate the holidays


5/30 Yellowstone Space

The NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman shared this Yellowstone photo via his twitter account






6/30 Black Hole Friday

NASA celebrated Black Friday by looking in space instead – sharing images of black holes


] 7/30 NuSTAR

X-rays stream from the sun on this image showing observations of NASA's spectroscopic nuclear telescope network, or NuSTAR, superimposed on an image taken by the observatory of solar dynamics (SDO) NASA


8/30 Saturn

This near-infrared color image shows specular reflection, or the sun, of a hydrocarbon lake named Kivu Lacus on the moon of Saturn Titan


9/30 Worlds Apart

Although Mimas and Pandora, shown here, both in Saturn orbit, they are very different moons. Pandora, "small" by the standards of the moon (50 miles or 81 kilometers in diameter) is elongated and irregularly shaped. Mimas (246 miles or 396 kilometers in diameter), a moon of "medium size", formed into a sphere due to the self-gravity imposed by its superior mbad


10/30 Solar Flare

A solar flare of clbad X1.6 flashes in the middle of the sun in this image taken on September 10, captured by the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory


11/30 Solar Flare

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Solar Image shows a solar filament 200,000 miles long that rips the Sun's corona in September 2013


12/30 ] Cbadiopeia A c

A false-color image of Cbadiopeia A including data from the Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes and the Chandra X-Ray observatory


13/30 Great galaxy Magellan's Clouds

Image of the Magellan's Great Cloud Galaxy View in infrared by the Herschel space observatory. The regions of space like this are where new stars are born from a mixture of elements and cosmic dust


14/30 Mars Rover Spirit [19659007] The Nasa Mars Rover Spirit took the first picture of the Spirit since problems with communications began a week earlier. The picture shows the robotic arm extended to the rock called Adirondack


15/30 Dawn morning of the space station

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly captured this photograph of the green lights of the aurora of the International Space Station

16/30 Launch of history – Realization of the STS-41G mission in 1984

Launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger since Florida at dawn. During this mission, Kathryn Sullivan became the first American woman to make an outing in space and Marc Garneau became the first Canadian in space. The seven-person crew was the biggest to fly on a spacecraft at that time, and STS-41G was the first flight to include two female astronauts

17/30 A new perspective on a cluster extraordinary galaxies

Clusters of galaxies are often described by superlatives. After all, they are huge conglomerates of galaxies, hot gases and dark matter that represent the largest structures in the Universe maintained by gravity

18/30 Veil Nebula Supernova Remnant

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope unveiled in amazing detail a small section of the Veil Nebula – the expanding remains of a mbadive star that exploded about 8,000 years ago

19/30 Hubble sees a galactic sunflower

The arrangement of the spiral arms in the Messier galaxy 63, seen here in an image of the Nasa Hubble space telescope, recalls the motif in the center of a sunflower

20 / 30 A cosmic couple Hubble

The spectacular cosmic couple of the star Hen 2-427 – more commonly known as WR 124 – and the nebula M1-67 that surrounds it

21 / 30 Pluto Image

Four images of the recognition imager long-range (LORRI) New Horizons were combined with color data from the instrument Ralph to create fresh crater near Sirenum Fossae region of Mars

The camera HiRISE aboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter of NASA acquired this enlarged image of a "fresh" (at the geological scale, although old enough on the human scale) crater impact in the Sirenum Fossae region of March. This impact crater appears relatively new because it has a sharp border and well-preserved ejecta

23/30 Earth Observations From Gemini IV in 1965

This photograph of the Strait of Florida and the Grand Bahama bench was taken during Gemini IV mission during orbit no. In 1964, the Gemini IV crew conducted scientific experiments, including photographs of land time and terrain, for the remainder of their four-day mission following Ed White's historic space walk on June 3

24/30 NASA celebrates 50 years of Spacewalking

For 50 years, NASA has been "getting ready" for spacewalk. In this 1984 photograph of the first spacewalk, NASA astronaut Bruce McCandless is in the middle of the first "field" test of a backpack device powered to the Nitrogen called Maneuvered Maneuvers Unit

25/30 Hubble Peers in the most crowded place of the Milky Way

This image of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope presents the bunch of bugs. arches, the densest cluster of stars in the Milky Way

26/30 NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman tweeted this photo from the International Space Station on September 2, 2014 [19659135] 27/30 Terrestrial Geography on Mars

On Mars, one can observe four clbades of sandy reliefs formed by wind, or aeolian bedforms: undulations, transverse aeolian ridges, dunes, and what? is called "draa"

28/30 Expedition 39 Landing

A helmet of Sokol suit can be seen against the window of the Soyuz TMA-11M capsule shortly after the spacecraft landed with Ex Commander Koichi Wakata of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), the commander of the Soyuz Mikhail Tyurin of Roscosmos and flight engineer Rick Mastracchio of NASA near the city of Zhezkazgan in Kazakhstan

29/30 The Great Red Spot of Jupiter by Voyager I

30/30 Chandra observatory sees a heart in darkness

But there is no truth to the claim that NASA has destroyed the evidence of extraterrestrial life – because the agency did not have it. These organic molecules are important parts of the building blocks of life, but they are not themselves extraterrestrials.

And the molecules themselves may not even have existed. In fact, the report speculated that the reason NASA's Viking mission failed to find the molecules – despite the search for things we know to be there – was because they were burned during the process of test

Despite all this number of reports claimed that NASA had found traces of aliens on Mars and had accidentally destroyed them.

"NASA accidentally destroyed extraterrestrial evidence of the red planet almost 50 years ago," read a headline. "NASA may have" accidentally burned "evidence of life on Mars 40 years ago, says another study.

The controversy came about because of a new report that seemed to explain the mystery of the Viking mission. gas chromatography mbad spectrometer, which was intended to search for evidence of organic molecules, failed to find them. The first objective of the Viking spacecraft was to test if life could survive on Mars, and their results were surprisingly pessimistic.

To solve the mystery of why she did not find these organic molecules, in the Journal of Geophysical Research suggested that this could be the result of an error in the test process that burned them.

It is important to note, however, that the building blocks of life are entirely separate from life itself. Even now, NASA has never reported evidence of life elsewhere in the universe – although she has found these items in different places.

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