Far from home, writers have explained what happened when everyone was brought back to life


Spider-Man: Away from Home offers a welcome bit of lightness to adolescence after the dark events of Avengers: Endgame . But as the first Marvel movie to be released after the Endgame he had to reckon with the consequences of Hulk's finger-splitting. Fortunately, in an interview with Variety the writers of the film helped to unravel some of the mysteries.

All these scenarios that Marvel fans thought about after the original Thanos finger slam was reversed? The writers Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers of Spider-Man also thought about it. One question they clarified with Variety was whether the snapshot of Thanos eliminated half of all life forms in the universe, or only half of all sentient beings. It turns out that Thanos greeted everyone – even the microscopic material.

"All forms of life [disappeared] said Mckenna." Even up to the bacteria present in your digestive system. We were wondering if we could do a lot of digestion on the digestive systems of people who were really screwed up. "

And what about people who were deleted at a particularly untimely time, such as driving a high-speed car or in planes at 30,000 feet above ground? Were they brought back to life in the air or in the way out of vehicles?

Fortunately, these people also managed to come back in one piece. "We were told that when Bruce [Banner] reported to everything the world that he was responsible for, that was part of his wish, "said McKenna." Everyone came back safe and sound. We do not have to worry about people falling from the sky. "

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