Feast your eyes with the first 8K video shot in space – BGR


Depending on the severity of your home entertainment, you may not even have a 4K TV yet. If that is the case, you can hardly be blamed because the vast majority of TV programming has not yet adopted the format, but that does not prevent NASA from pushing it. envelope with a video so high that you probably do not have it. a screen capable of displaying it in full resolution.

In a new message, NASA shows what it says is the very first 8K video footage shot in space. After more than three minutes, there is a lot to see here, but do not expect to fully appreciate the breathtaking details without a seriously high resolution display at your disposal.

video definition (UHD) of the International Space Station, "writes NASA. "Get closer to the space experience and discover how spaceflight inhabited by an international partnership improves life on Earth while allowing humanity to explore the universe."

19659002] This short description really sub-sells just how great the video is. You can see beautiful high-definition images of the interior of the International Space Station, as well as many outdoor sites. Several shots of various ongoing experiments, as well as daily life aboard the spaceship. This is a very cool glimpse into the lives of astronauts who spend months circling the earth in pursuit of science.

"This new sequence presents the story of inhabited spaceflight with more detail than ever before," Dylan. Mathis, head of communication for the ISS, said in a statement. "The world of camera technology continues to progress and seeing our planet in high fidelity is always welcome. We look forward to seeing what images will be shown in the future. "

In April, the camera used to film the images was transmitted to the space station, but NASA finally managed to turn the video into a beautiful video montage in honor of the birthdays of the launch of the ISS and human habitation of the spacecraft, both arriving each year in November.

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