FIFA World Cup 2018: Coach Fernando Hierro ends his association with the Spanish Football Federation after the tournament's release


Madrid: Spanish interim coach Fernando Hierro cut ties with the Spanish Football Federation following the disastrous release of the World Cup team last week, said Organization Sunday

. Just two days before the World Cup, after the dismissal of Julen Lopetegui. AFP

Fernando Hierro was named coach of Spain two days before the World Cup, after the dismissal of Julen Lopetegui. AFP

"After several kilometers traveled together, the Spanish Football Federation and Fernando Hierro announced the end of their relationship, now that Spain has completed its participation in the World Cup," said the statement on the website of Spain. "The last Spanish coach has refused to return to his former position as sports director of the Federation to seek new horizons and new professional challenges," the statement said.

Hierro was appointed sports director for the second time in 2017 but was unexpectedly catapulted into the role of coach of the national team the day before the start of the World Cup when Julen Lopetegui was sacked after agreeing to join Real Madrid. Under the orders of the former Real Madrid defender, who previously had only one coaching experience with Real Oviedo, Spain won one of his four games in Russia, a 1-0 victory over Iran in Group B. 2-2 with Morocco.

They finished first in Group B but suffered a shock elimination by hosts Russia in the last eighth last Sunday in a penalty shoot-out after a 1-1 draw. [19659005] thank Fernando Hierro for his commitment and sense of responsibility in taking charge of the national team in extraordinary circumstances and his other roles for the organization, which will always be his home, "added the statement . Click here for full coverage of the 2018 FIFA World Cup

Click here to see the full schedule of the 2018 FIFA World Cup [19659009]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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