FIFA World Cup 2018: Croatia displays class and class in the win against England | Football News


MOSCOW: When in Russia, always remain doubly cautious on the rear guard, says the proverb.

ALSO READ: Mandzukic sends Croatia to the first World Cup Final

Croatia remembers it, but England forgets and pays. The young nation of Eastern Europe, with a population four times smaller than that of New Delhi, has created a piece of history worthy of its struggle for independence and secularism. Is in his first World Cup final.

Now France stands between the most fiercely fought prize in the world of football and the Slavic fighters who bear the mark of birth pains of their nation as a badge of honor.


At Luzhuiki stadium on Wednesday evening, as the clock approached midnight, England saw with dismay that the sting of the Croatian tail was poisoning theirs. party "it comes home". The young lions of Gareth Southgate have once again shown their effectiveness from the dead ball with the game barely four minutes. Kieren Trippier's fabulous free kick was followed by incessant and incessant strikes on Danijel Subasic's goal, literally leaving the Croatians on the cover.

ALSO READ: Croatia on fire after the "miracle" of the World Cup

Harry Kane and Raheem Sterling dropped them. It's turned out to be the biggest mistake of their life, on the biggest stage. Ivan Perisic and Mario Mandzukic are masters of the action of the rear guard, trained in the art of hitting the opponent when he is most vulnerable. During the second half, a marked drop in the intensity of England was noticed and Perisic, Kyle Walker's live line, snuck into the equalizer . The game was then pushed to its limits.

"We showed our character, it was a very difficult match, we all know what was at stake and how important a semifinal is for a small country like Croatia," Perisic said. . the dust is deposited. "We started slowly but showed our character, just as we did in the last two knockout rounds where we had a goal in both games.

This is a great achievement for the four million nation that gained independence in 1992. The scorer of the winning goal in the 2-1 win, Mario Mandzukic. "It's amazing, I think we're not even aware of what just happened, it's not really a miracle, we've accomplished something that only great players can accomplish.

The big team of Davor Suker, Robert Proscnecki, Zvonimir Boban and Slaven Bilic was stopped in the semifinals in 1998 but had already announced his arrival in the top-flight. Luke Modric and his men took a notch higher, this time with three performances of 120 minutes back-to-back. This shows that they have ice in their veins and fire in the belly.


The post-whistle scenes on the packaged Luzhniki wore signs of a happy chaos. Dejan Lovren and Domagoj Vida slid on the turf in perfect symphony as they finished their heroic game. Luka Modric and coach Zlatko Dalic have welcomed supporters flying the flag of Split, Zagreb and Zader.

During those endless but exhausting minutes on the ground, none of the Croats were ready to be removed from the battle of wear. The coach eventually forced Modric out, two minutes from time. "At one point, I wanted to make replacements, but no one wanted to go out, it's amazing, nobody wanted to give up, that shows the character of this team," said the coach later.

On the other half of the field, English players were walking or looking at the sky like lost souls. They were like pieces of a broken dream scattered everywhere. What could go through the mind of Captain Harry Kane? Not being able to find the net of the game open on the third consecutive night must certainly have been an atrocious thought.

Well, patience paid the hunters of the Dinaric Alps by taming the Three Lions with a heroic effort.

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