Fifa World Cup 2018: What the English do well and it will be enough?


The consensus is that this team from England is "different". Of course, reaching the quarter-finals of the FIFA World Cup without a series of big names helps the cause, but the English team lost only one game en route to the quarter-finals. The defeat was also against Belgium who was prolific in this tournament, and also because the English have rested most of their first team players, having won their pbadage to the round of 16.

Given their good form, for good reason, England could go to the end and achieve something that the "golden generation" of England consisting of David Beckham, Paul Scholes, Rio Ferdinand, Frank Lampard, Michael Owen, Steven Gerrard, John Terry, Ashley Cole and Wayne Rooney. & # 39; t.

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England scored nine goals in four games and only allowed four goals . What is the reason behind the kind of "resurgence" for the English and can they make the end as well as the beginning? We look at the possible reasons and explanations behind the good form of England:

1) Young Multicultural Youth Group – This is the team the Most multiracial from England to represent his country at a major tournament, with 11 color players. It is also a young team: the average age is 26 years old. This team from England is relatively young. Only three players entered the World Cup in their thirties (tied for the lowest number in the tournament) and several had fewer than 10 selections. Even the task of Euro 2016 has been somewhat erased, since more than half of the list has been returned. Director Gareth Southgate believes the lack of experience should not be an obstacle for his team after the World Cup trophy but rather see it as an opportunity to make his own story. They have the opportunity to make their own story, "said Southgate." It's a young team that's going to get better and better, I enjoy a lot of working with them and I'm intrigued to see where they can go, "he said.

position of his predecessor, Sam Allardyce, a fervent critic of the growing number of foreign coaches in English football, and young players looking to play their football elsewhere in Europe

  National Team of England, harry kane, southgate

2) Increased tactical sensitivity: England was infamous for its tactical rigidity: the "iron laws" as they were called – the team's training was 4-4-2 and no failures in major tournaments An English coach questioned the utility of the system: Gareth Southgate made the change to 3-5-2, which can also change to 3-3-2-2.

A big tactical tinker made by Southgate with this new formation is the three-man defense of Kyle Walker, John Stones and Harry Maguire that helped England consolidate its defense. It also allows his fins, especially Kieran Trippier, to be more offensive. From the staff point of view, the three central advocates offer something unique in their role. Maguire is a physical presence while Stones, who is a starter in Machester City's Pep Guardiola, is very comfortable on the ball and has good pbading skills outside of the ability to read the game. Walker is really effective in a one-to-one situation and has an electric rhythm.

Southgate also allows his team to keep possession of the ball and not to drag it as quickly as possible to the front – the apparent tactics of the former English teams. This allows the English defense to build from behind

Rio Ferdinand, a former English international who was playing in the center-back, speaks of the importance of building from the back

"Here, (John) Stones – this is what I liked – five men eliminated out of the game with a single pbad No, it does not come with a shot as the final product, but we The End of the Game, 90th Minute, Patience, The Courage to Play – What Do We Draw From It? A Corner And Where Does This Corner Lead? This leads to the goal, "said Ferdinand at from a discussion of the BBC discussing the winner of England on Tunisia.

Sven Goran Eriksson, former manager of England, banned his central defenders from going ahead with the ball and pbading it to midfield, the caller "A step back". "I think this has probably taken away a lot of my performances in England, and probably collectively for us," said the former Manchester United player

. His contemporary Frank Lampard also said that England 4-4-2 played under Eriksson. was rigid and did not allow them to find space behind the opposition supporters.

3) Performances on the Names: At the time of the English "Golden Generation", the English internationals dogs in their respective clubs. David Beckham, Paul Scholes and Gary Neville were unchallenged starters at Manchester United, while Rio Ferdinand was their best defenseman for nearly a decade. Rooney has also emerged as an important player for the Red Devils. At Chelsea, John Terry and Frank Lampard were the main players while no one was taller than Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher in Liverpool.

However, the internationalization of the Premier League, which many – including former manager Sam Allardyce – bemoan, also means that foreign players have come to dominate the Premier League. The only exception today could be Tottenham where Harry Kane is the most appreciated player, followed closely by Dele Alli. This means that there is no guaranteed starter in the English team and that everyone has to earn his place in the team. It also requires the manager to look at teams that do not have glamor power or who are best ranked but where a certain player could produce outstanding performance.

Due to lack of big names, Southgate is also without

4) Flexible Manager – Gareth Southgate is allowed to learn from other teams and not does not just draw a line on clbadical English. Soccer. The English manager said that he himself had learned a lot – tactically speaking – with other European teams, especially during a weeklong trip across the continent in summer. . According to Southgate, it is then that he decided to change the formation of the team in 3-3-2-2. The current coach also allows his players to be creative, which the former English managers have banned

5) Tactical Elevation in the Premier League – L & # 39; influx of quality players and coaches raised the issue. General standard of the English league that was once just full of hard and fast games. The English players of the best clubs, although less numerous, are better trained by tactical players like Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp, Jose Mourinho, Mauricio Pochettino and Antonio Conte – all with contrasting styles that give the English league an unprecedented tactical wealth from in his previous years. The level of training and competition has also increased in the league. All this benefits English players who keep these lessons learned at the club level and take them on the international stage.

The current England team plays a flexible three back system that would have been unimaginable in just a few years. back. Players also evolve tactically and professionally and are not content to engage in every possible challenge on the field.

6) Weak Wait : Despite all the shouts of "It's coming home" the truth is not a lot of people expected that the # 39, English advance much further in this year's tournament. Mainly because the fans at home had been used to being disappointed by the performance of their team. The golden generation failed in 2006. England won a single game in the next two editions of the World Cup. At Euro 2016, the English were eliminated in the second round. This lack of success in the major tournaments and the lack of superstars in the team did not really give optimism to many fans who were pleasantly surprised by the positive results. The team also benefited from low expectations allowing it to express more freely and without much pressure.

  England missed two real chances [19659010] 7) Discipline and Resilience: All England played in the current tournament have not been direct victories , they had to get some results: for example, their 2-1 win over Tunisia in the group stage and their match against Colombia, which they won on penalties, is proof that this team has the discipline and resilience to attend a match and qualify for the win without losing your temper.

8) No air or self-obsessive behavior : The English team and its media have almost always disagreed with most of the problems stemming from the fact that English tabloids love nitpick and the English players, most of them superstars in their own right, gave them things to write. This English team is stripped of all pretensions. Even his most powerful player, Captain Harry Kane has a discreet personality and is considered a man close to his roots. This made the team more connected to the common English.

9) Because he's coming home: "Three Lions" (Football's coming home) was a song released in 1996 as a single by The English Group & # 39; The Lightning Seeds & # 39; marks the participation of the football team of England at the World Cup tournament. And even though it did not help change England's fortunes on the pitch, the song was reworked and recalled every four years when the World Cup arrives. This year has not been different in the sense that the song is on the lips of all English fans, but the performance of their team has certainly been uplifting. If the team led by Kane continues to crush the results she's doing so far, "it" could well come back home. And, even if that is not the case, the performances of this team have given England enough optimism about the future of English football.

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