Final Season 'Game of Thrones': Tyrion Lannister Predictions


Welcome to Final Path, a new regular feature leading to the last HBO Game of Thrones season. In each finale, Josh Wigler, Westeros Resident Expert of the Hollywood Reporter will immerse you in an in-depth account of each of his seven seasons, as well as what to expect during the eighth and last finals. season. Tyrion Lannister

"Imp." "Mi-man." Tyrion Lannister, played at the Emmy Summits by Peter Dinklage, earned these insulting nicknames and even more so for no other reason than the "dwarf crime", as he so eloquently explains in "The Gods of Laws and Men" . [19659003] "I would like to be the monster you believe to be," he says to a crowd of nobles and commoners dazed in the exciting episode of the fourth season, which focuses on the Tyrion trial, while He is wrongly accused of the badbadination of King Joffrey Baratheon (Jack Gleeson). "I would have liked to have enough poison for everyone.I would gladly give my life to watch you swallow it."

First entry into the vast ensemble of Game of Thrones with the prestigious bill of "and Peter Dinklage", the former Tyrion has since been ranked at the top of the list of calls. It's easy to understand why: Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) are both at the center of the most fantastic elements of Thrones but Tyrion is the heart and soul of the series , brilliant.

As one of the most popular characters in the entire tradition Thrones Tyrion's fate is as thrilling as anyone can believe. Here are my considerations as we look back over the last seven seasons and reflect on what lies ahead in the remaining six episodes – including the reversal of the final prediction.

Names and titles: Tyrion of the House Lannister, former hand of the acting king under the brief (but brutal) reign of Joffrey Baratheon, then anointed master of the coin, currently serving as a hand of the Queen under the regime of Daenerys Targaryen.

First appearance: "Winter is coming", the first of the series. In retrospect, it should not be surprising that our first glimpse of Tyrion sees him drowning in a brothel. After all, he is a man who "drinks and knows things" according to his own skills. If we look at his first scene as a point of reference for where he might end up, do not expect a return to the brothel. The location of the brothel – in the heart of the North – can be more informative.

Last Appearance: "The Dragon and the Wolf", finale of Season Seven, during which Tyrion was seen hiding outside the main suite of Jon and Daenerys. It was a strange look at the time; why was Tyrion so visibly upset by the escalation of relations between the king of the north and the mother of the dragons? According to an interview with Dinklage, "it's complicated," particularly because Tyrion believes that "their meeting could be very dangerous" politically and personally, as well as Tyrion's feelings for Dany: "He l & # 39; Like – or think he does. " Will the last season include a love story between Tyrion and Daenerys, even if it is a story without a counterpart? This did not seem particularly likely until these quotes from Dinklage, but now it's worth watching at least one eye.

Best Friends: Top of the list: Varys the Spider (Conleth Hill), the person Tyrion trusts more than anyone in the world. Although they are not currently on the same team, Tyrion's friendship with Bronn (Jerome Flynn) is the subject of fan-fiction legends. On the same note, Tyrion and his brother Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) have seen better days, but during this period, it would be difficult to find a pair of Game of Thrones . Siblings more attached to each other – other than Jaime and Cersei (Lena Headey).

Worst Enemies: Speaking of Cersei, she is at its height when it comes to Tyrion's opponents. She spent several seasons dreaming of beheading her mischievous brother, among other free ways to torture and kill this man. With only six episodes left and so little time to accomplish so much in the story, it is possible that the scene of Tyrion and Cersei in the final of season seven is the last. This has accomplished much of what needs to be accomplished: a statement of grievances, in the manner of Festivus, in which they have made as much progress with each other as they are likely to do it. Any future exchange between Tyrion and Cersei is the icing on the cake.

Best Murder: Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance), and it's not so close. The arrow to the bowels is absolutely iconic, one of the greatest moments in the recent history of television, not to mention Game of Thrones . This is the culmination of a life of ruthless emotional violence, both satisfying and deeply troubling, leaving Tyrion totally unharmed for future episodes. Given the strategic difficulties that have occurred since then (see: trying to settle peacefully with the Slavers Bay Masters, as well as his plan failed to hit his sister by conquering Casterly Rock), one could say that Tyrion never fully recovered murder his own father – not to mention the murder of Shae (Sibel Kekilli).

Worst Wound: Physically, it is difficult to be sliced ​​with a sword during the Battle of the Blackwater. That said, even without seeing a maester's report, one can only imagine the damage suffered by Tyrion's liver over the years. These two wounds are pale compared to what he endured because of his "dwarf crime", which has led family and strangers to make fun of their lives, despite repeated attempts at heroism, such as of the aforementioned action at Blackwater. The considerable time that Tyrion spent drinking in brothels has a little more sense.

Critical Moments: The pbadage from Tyrion to King's Landing is his best example. his brief but brilliant interpretation of Main through his imprisonment following the death of Joffrey. In a broader sense, Tyrion's travels through Westeros and beyond could come to define his future. Among the places we have seen visit: Winterfell, Black Castle, Eyrie, King's Landing, Pentos, Volantis, Old Valyria, Meereen, Dragonstone and the Reach. Nobody has earned more stamps on his pbadport, seen more wonders of the world, more of his horrors. While the world of Game of Thrones is heading for an unprecedented war in the series, Tyrion's global perspective could become one of the most important factors in the world. fictional future of the series.

Unsolved Mystery: In addition to discovering the replica of Tyrion's recurring joke about entering a brothel with a nest of bees and a moron? In the ether, there is a theory that almost every Tyrion supporter is a secret Targaryen, much like Jon Snow. In essence, the theory postulates Crazy King Aerys as Tyrion's current father, helping to explain some of Tywin's temper tantrums: "You're not my son!" There is reason to think that Tyrion Targaryen's theory may be true in the series of books by George RR Martin on which is based Thrones but the adaptation of David Benioff and Dan Weiss at HBO has not allowed to lay the foundations of such an explosive reveal, especially with only six episodes left. (Among the possible clues: Tyrion's childhood fixation with dragons and the ease with which he treated Viserion and Rhaegal in season 6). But if Tyrion's last season overflows as the third leader of the modern-day Targaryen dragon, now you know about the theory, so it will not be a complete blindness .

Final Prediction: Tyrion is from Casterly Rock, but his time is on Game of Thrones ] began in the north. I guess it is there too that the story will end for him.

This is a dark prediction, on the surface. The White Walkers are in Westeros, after all, walking slowly on Winterfell, intended to kill at least some characters you know and love. Will Tyrion be one of them? There are not many people on the board whose death would cause viewers to throw their remotes as the loss of "The Imp," which bodes ill for his case if Benioff and Weiss embark on an adventure to the ancient Thrones- ian shock value for their conclusion. Indeed, George R.R. Martin himself has long claimed that Tyrion was his favorite character in the series. What better way to show you're serious than killing your dearest darling?

HBO dramas have the habit of killing crucial characters at an early and unexpected stage in their final rounds. look no further than The Wire Six Feet Under and Oz to name just a few examples. Do not name the names, because the deceased characters are such seismic forces that they invite comparisons with Dinklage's own presence on Thrones . Losing someone as iconic as Tyrion at the start of the last season would be an ultimate statement of the stakes of the finals. If we are going to lose the man, I guess it will be in the same shocking state of mind. I really think that someone who is dear to us will die at the beginning of the last season of Thrones, and that it is quite possible that it will be Tyrion .

That being said, I choose to base my hopes on the future result of Tyrion's survival – but on a result that leaves it nevertheless in the North. During the final thinning of the series, as great characters die and large houses begin to collapse, there remains a sense of small but sturdy pillars of the old war: some Starks still standing, Lannister here and there, even as old guard falls. There is so much reason to expect the Lannister channel to go out by the end of the show, given the high stakes players involved: Tyrion, Cersei and Jaime, all of whom are forced to face the brutal circumstances of the last six episodes. But the name of Lannister is too powerful to die forever, and of these three characters. There are other options on the table (and I'll be back in the next few weeks), but it seems to me that it's probably Tyrion who will be named Lannister.

Let's go ahead and badume Tyrion's survival, aside from the fact that such an badumption prepares us for grief if he dies in the last decisive moments of the first of the series final. (Seriously, try to slip this into the universe to make sure that never happens.) Where does it end for him? What a satisfying conclusion for a man who traveled the world rescuing the men and women of Westeros and beyond atrocities they could never understand, while resisting enormous amounts of insults and insults, can only resist all this thanks to very bad habits in terms of alcohol consumption and philandering?

What about the only place where philandering is particularly frowned upon: Castle Black? As it stands, Dolorous Edd (Ben Compton) is the 999th Lord Commander of Night Watch. I do not expect him to keep the title any longer. Game of Thrones Tyrion Lannister will be the 1000th commander of the Night Watch

. I know it's such a bold prediction that it's a strange and honest prediction. But as a man who has seen so many things in the world, fought so many battles and strived for so long to find a purpose, a definite destiny in which Tyrion stays north to help repair some of the damage that his family has caused to others for the man. It would certainly serve as his CV in Blackwater, if a defeated White Walker army posed another risk. This would add a new context to the opening tour of the series on the Wall of Tyrion, in which he heard a great deal with some members of the fraternity and even relieved himself "at the end of the world". It may have been a first step on the final path of Tyrion. There are other results to consider – death being the biggest and most likely – but Tyrion is lost on the wall, far from the world that rejected him, keeping these same people safe, cold order at a time. 19659003] Last Hope: In "No One" of Season Six, Tyrion sits with Gray Worm (Jacob Anderson) and Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) in a meereenese room, drinking wine. He foresees his hopes for the future as follows: "One day, after our queen has taken the Seven Kingdoms, I would like to have my own vineyard to make my own wine: The Delight of the Empire. Only my close friends could drink it. "Few things would please me more than if the prediction of the Lord Commander disappeared with the White Walkers, to the benefit of a happier ending at the Imp & # 39; s Delight.

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