Five Things to Know about Mars Landing from InSight


Every Landing on Mars is a Bleacher Achievement
engineering. But each attempt has its own quirks based on where a spaceship is
what kind of science does the mission intend to bring together?

On November 26, NASA will attempt to secure a new spacecraft.
on Mars. InSight is a lander dedicated to the study of the deep interior of the
planet – the first mission to do this.

Here is some information to know about the landing of InSight.

Landing on Mars is difficult

Only 40% of missions
never sent on Mars – by any any space agency – have succeeded. The United States is the
the only nation whose missions survived a landing on Mars. The thin atmosphere – just
1 percent of the Earth – means that there is little friction to slow down a
spatialship. Despite this, NASA has a long and successful experience at
March. Since 1965, it has flown over, orbited, landed and evolved around the world.
surface of the red planet.

When NASA's InSight descends on the red planet on November 26, 2018, it is guaranteed that it will be a white-fisted event. Rob Manning, chief engineer of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, explains the critical steps to take to ensure that the robotic robot can reach the surface safely.

InSight uses proven technology

in 2008., NASA jet propulsion
A laboratory in Pasadena, California, landed on the Phoenix spacecraft
at the North Pole of Mars. InSight is based on the Phoenix spacecraft, both
were built by Lockheed Martin Space in Denver. Despite some adjustments to its heat
shield and parachute, the overall design of the landing is still very much the same: after
separating from a cruise stage, an aeroshell descends through the atmosphere.
The parachute and the retrorockets slow down the spaceship and the suspended legs
absorb some shock from the landing.

InSight lands on "the biggest
parking on Mars "

One of the advantages of InSight
scientific instruments is that they can record just as much
valuable data, no matter where they are on the planet. This frees the
mission to need something more complicated than a flat and solid surface
(ideally with some rocks and rocks). For the mission team, the landing site
at Elysium Planitia is sometimes considered "the largest parking on
March. "

InSight was built to land in the dust.

InSight engineers built a solid
Spaceship, able to land safely in a dust storm where it is needed. the
The thermal shield of the spacecraft is designed to be thick enough to withstand sandblasting
by the dust. His parachute has lines that have been tested to be stronger
that Phoenix, in the event that it faces more air resistance because of the atmospheric
conditions expected during a dust storm.

The sequence entry, descent and landing
also has some flexibility to manage the changing weather. The mission team will be
receive daily weather updates from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter of NASA in the
days before landing so that they can tweak when the InSight parachute deploys and
when he will use a radar to find the Martian surface.

After landing, InSight will provide a new
Science on Rocky Planets

InSight will teach us more about
interior of planets like ours. The mission team hopes that by studying the
deep inside of Mars we can learn how other rocky worlds including the Earth and
the moon, formed. Our planet and Mars were molded from the same primordial
stuff more than 4.5 billion years ago, but then became very different. Why
have not they known the same fate?

With regard to the rocky planets, we have
only studied in detail: the Earth. Comparing the interior of the Earth to that of
March, members of the InSight team hope to better understand our solar system. What
they might even learn how to facilitate the search for Earth-like exoplanets, narrowing
which might be able to support life. So, while InSight is a mission on Mars,
it's also a lot more than a mission on Mars.

You can learn more about the science of mission.
unique here. A press
The kit
published today contains additional information about the mission.

JPL manages InSight for NASA science
Mission Direction. InSight is part of NASA's Discovery program, managed by
Marshall Space Flight Center's agency in Huntsville, Alabama. Lockheed
Martin Space in Denver built the InSight probe, including its cruise stage
and lander and supports spacecraft operations for the mission.

A number of European partners, including
French National Center for Space Studies (CNES) and the German aerospace sector
Center (DLR), support the InSight mission. CNES provided seismic
Experimental instrument for internal structure (SEIS), with
significant contributions of the Max Planck Institute to the solar system
Research (MPS) in Germany, the Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH) in Switzerland,
Imperial College and Oxford University in the UK, and JPL. DLR
provided the instrument for calculating heat flux and physical properties (HP3), with
important contributions of the Polish Space Agency (CBK) and Astronika to
Poland. The Spanish Center for Astrobiology (CAB) provided the wind sensors.

Learn More
about InSight here:

Contacts with the media

Andrew Good
Reaction Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.
[email protected]


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