Five Things to Know About NASA's InSight Satellite Landing on Mars


NASA's InSight probe is currently heading for Mars. It must land on the surface of the red planet on November 26, 2018. Unlike recent Mars missions, which included rovers, Mars InSight will remain where it lands, high plain near the equator of Mars called Elysium Planitia, chosen for its flatness. The spacecraft is tracked on Mars by two mini-spacecraft including Mars Cube One (MarCO) from NASA, the first deep space mission for CubeSats.

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People from around the world will be able to watch the event live on NASA Television, the website of the United States. agency and on social media platforms, including on YouTube in the United States. space agency said. The event will take place on November 27 at 1:30 pm in India.

InSight and MarCO flight controllers will monitor the entry, descent and landing of the spacecraft from mission control at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena , California, where events will take place.

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Five things to know about the landing of InSight on Mars:

  1. A successful landing on Mars is difficult. Only about 40% of the missions sent to Mars – by any space agency – have been successful. "19659008] InSight uses proven technology The spacecraft after a cruising phase, an aerosol descends into the atmosphere. the retroreflectors slow down the probe and the suspended legs absorb the shocks of the hit.
  2. InSight lands on the largest parking lot on Mars.For the mission team, the Elysium landing site Planitia is sometimes considered "the largest parking on Mars.
  3. InSight was built to land in a dust storm. InSight engineers have built a powerful spaceship, capable of landing safely The spacecraft's thermal shield is designed to be thick enough to withstand "sanding" by dust.
  4. After the landing, InSight will provide new scientific data on the rocky planets. InSight will teach us inside planets. The mission team hopes that by studying the deep interior of Mars, we will be able to learn how other rocky worlds have formed, including the Earth and the Moon.

(With the help of agencies)

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