Five unknown facts about WWE's most powerful woman, Stephanie McMahon


Did Stephanie win a WWE title?

3 minutes ago from Aanya Balasubramanium

Answered by NewsBytes

Yes, she was a women's champion at WWE once.

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Triple H marry?

Asked 3 minutes ago by Amit Bose

Respondent to NewsBytes

Stephanie and Triple H Married in 2003.

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What is Stephanie's official title to WWE? [19659002] 3 minutes ago by Aradhya Subramanium

Answered by NewsBytes

Stephanie is the WWE Brand Manager.

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What was the role of Stephanie in the scenario of Invasion 2001.

Asked 3 minutes ago by NewsBytes

In the scenario of the invasion of 2001 , Stephanie McMahon was the owner at the ECW screen.

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