Five ways to reduce your exposure to air pollution and improve your health


"Moving to more natural products and using creams rather than sprays can make a difference, while properly ventilating your home. So open your windows when you buy new furniture, "she says.

B What if you lived near a busy road? It is feared that the pollution of the outside air will seep into the house.

According to Jonathan Grigg, professor of respiratory and environmental medicine in pediatrics at Queen Mary's University in London, it is essential to have a good extractor fan in the kitchen.

The CPR alongside the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health sources of indoor air pollution and will issue a report on the issue next year.

Prof. Grigg directs the work.

"We are trying to find out what evidence exists and are trying to produce a hierarchy of air pollution," he said, adding that the evidence for indoor pollution was currently poor.

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