Flat Earth Theory demystified: NASA publishes an image of Earth taken a million miles away


  Theory of the Flat Earth

The Theory of the Flat Earth a Representation of the Flat Earth Screengrab of the YouTube

The Flat Earth Theory is gaining popularity and NASA has managed to demystify it in publishing the image of the earth taken by a satellite a million kilometers away. an on-board camera aboard DSCOVR satellite (deep space observation satellite) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) revealed that the Earth was a sphere .

It is interesting to note that this camera can observe the Earth from sunrise to sunset. The camera on board the DSCOVR records an average image every summer and a photo every two hours in winter.

"Given the privileged position of the EPIC and its frequent observations, we are able to observe the diurnal part of the daily key cy of many phenomena.For example, EPIC may follow a volcanic eruption or a plume These measures complement those taken by other low-Earth-orbit satellites, which observe a given location less often, often only once or twice a day, "said Alexander Marshak, Project Manager. Assistant to the Deep Space Observation Mission. [19659005] Even amid these growing criticisms, flat earth theorists forcefully claim that these images of the Earth published by NASA are computer generated. As for the flat-earths, the South Pole is the boundary of the Earth. the earth where gigantic walls of ice act as a wall that prevents us from These theorists also added that governments around the world were building their military bases on the South Pole after realizing that the Earth was completely flat and would float in the solar system.

Proponents of the flat earth theory also argue that the earth is basically a stationary object placed in space and they believe that this body is not in orbit around the sun.

Interestingly, many eminent personalities, including Fo. English cricket captain Andrew Flintoff is a strong advocate of the flat earth theory.

"If you are in a helicopter and are hovering, why does not the Earth come to you if it is round? Why, if we go through space, why would the water stay there? If you're shooting a laser about 16 miles away, if the world is curved, you should not be able to see it but you can do it, "Flintoff said. Last year.

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