The latest SpaceX Block 4 Falcon 9 leaves the ramp launch at Canaveral SLC-40 at 5:42 am ET on June 29, 2018. Photo credit: Vikash Mahadeo / SpaceFlight Insider
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida – SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, the final release of Launch Vehicle Launch Block 4 Cape Town Space Launch Complex 40 on the International Space Station (ISS) Replenishment Mission on Friday, June 29, 2018 .
The flight started at 5:42. EDT (9:42 GMT) with the Dragon CRS-15 spacecraft perched on the F9 about 230 feet (70 meters) high. The "flight-tested" Dragon spacecraft was tasked with transporting supplies and equipment with an estimated value of 5,900 pounds (2 676 kilograms) in low Earth orbit (LEO). From there, it is planned to visit the ISS on July 2nd.
Tagged: Cape Canaveral CRS-15 Air Station Dragon Falcon 9 NASA SpaceX International Space Station
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