Game of Thrones: George RR Martin revokes deadline for publication of The Winds of Winter


Like many of us, the author of Game of Thrones was not happy either with the last season of the series. He is currently busy writing his next book, The Winds of Winter. The author has just given himself a deadline to finish the book.

Many fans were disappointed after watching the eighth and final season of the fantastic Game of Thrones series. GoT fans were expecting a lot from this season after watching the previous seasons. However, many fans were disappointed and according to them, the eighth season was not up to par. But not just the viewers, some cast members such as Conleth Hill, aka Lord Varys, and Lena Headey, aka Cersei, were not happy either. Another important person who was not happy about the season is the writer of the fantastic saga, George RR Martin.

However, Martin has not yet written his end of the series and this one is under construction. He is currently working on The Winds of Winter. And it will not be long before it is published because the author has finally given a deadline to finish his next book after receiving a plea from Air New Zealand. He said: "In the summer of 2020, Wellington hosts the World Science Fiction Convention, the oldest and most important of the SF / Fantasy calendar, and they've asked me to serve as Toastmaster for the Hugo Awards Writers, fans and artists from around the world will be moving towards all your wonders, I hope that many of you, Kiwis, will join us. "

George RR Martin added," In this Regarding my book … I'm afraid that New Zealand will distract me too much.The best is to leave me here in Westeros for the nuncio.But I do not have the winter winds under the hand when i arrive in New Zealand for worldcon, here you have my written permission to imprison me in a small hut on White Island, overlooking this sulfuric acid lake, until that Well, GoT series and books do not go together, so fans are really keen to know how things are going in the books.

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