Game of Thrones Season 8: The VFX team reveals how dragons come to life on the screen


In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Sven Martin of Pixomondo revealed how excited they were and talked about all the challenges they faced in making these dragons. Read on to find out more.

Daenerys Targaryen and his dragons play one of the main roles of the series. They were first seen in the season 1 when the dragons hatch and young dragons are born. Now they are fully developed and unfortunately one of the dragons is now with the king of the night. To refresh your memory, one of the dragons, Viserion was killed by the King of Nights in Season 7 to be resurrected as an Ice Dragon. So who are the creators of these majestic and ferocious beasts?

Several artists were involved during the period to make these dragons. Among them, the visual effects supervisors, Joe Bauer and Steve Kullback. In addition to them, various vendors are under their supervision, including VFX house, Pixomondo.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Sven Martin of Pixomondo revealed how excited he was and talked about all the challenges he faced when creating these dragons. . When asked how they created the same thing, he said, "I think what most people can not imagine, is how many different living animals have influenced the dragons." birds and bats were used as reference by flight and for anatomy studies.Many types of lizards and crocodiles were used as models for the structure and details of the skin, and even cheetahs as texture patterns. "The HBO production's VFX supervisor, Joe Bauer, had the idea of ​​adding scrolling scrolls to the dragon's drawing – a threatening posture – also characteristic in nature on the [19659009] so-called "frilled lizards" ".

READ ALSO: Game of Thrones' Sophie Turner reveals that she was planning to commit suicide when she was younger; When asked what was the biggest obstacle to their creation and evolution, Sven responded: "Technically, the main challenge was to add all the extra details that increased dramatically with their annual growth – for example, a single scale of The adult dragon's chest is about the size of the complete dragon baby of season two. "He also revealed that each artist had his own link, knowing that he knew almost every inch of dragons.

He also said he was surprised to know that the dragons had become fans after season 2, even after less time on the screen. When asked about his emotional investment in the dragons, he stated that it was good that another special effects team had to kill Viserion because the heart of his team was bleeding when he died.

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