Gangster flees Paris prison in spectacular helicopter escape


A French gangster is on the run after being jailed by heavily armed gunmen and escaped in a helicopter that landed in prison, the justice minister said Sunday.

Redoine Faid is serving a 25-year sentence in a prison south of Paris for an armed robbery that went wrong and led to the death of a policewoman in 2010.

It's the # 39, one of the most infamous gangsters in the country with a long criminal career. Successful films such as Scarface and Heat

. Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet said a helicopter had landed in a yard that was covered with no net

. It's an extremely well-prepared commando unit that could have used drones to monitor the area, she told reporters.

Two armed men jumped from the helicopter to free Faid from the visitors' room where he was meeting one of his brothers. in the helicopter, she said. A third gunman had remained in the helicopter with the pilot, who had been taken hostage.

Nobody was injured and the brother was arrested by the police.

They used concrete cutters to cross the first door and then the doors. He then went to pick him up, police union official Jerome Nobecourt told Reuters, adding that the explosion had taken place in a few minutes.

The helicopter, whose pilot was later released, was found

Belloubet says that the police launched a manhunt and described Faid as dangerous


This is not the first time that Faid has escaped from prison.

In 2013, he hijacked four prison guards before using dynamite to get out of jail and flee into a waiting car.

He had been on the run for six weeks and had changed appearance before the police caught him in a hotel with an accomplice.

After a decade in prison, he was released conditionally in 2009 after convincing the parole officers that he had changed.

His infamy has increased since then, after appearances in several television shows and the co-creation of books telling his past.

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